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Comments on Robyn's Web Pages

Last Updated: 1/22/25

People have e-mailed me the following comments about my various web pages. I have never received so many positive comments for anything in my life. I hope you do not think I am stuck up for putting these comments in here; I do not think I deserve the praise but it makes me feel a little better about my life. Perhaps these pages are my only success in life. If I only helped a few animals lead happier, healthier lives, these pages would be worth it. In actuality, I have helped countless animals and their owners. I want to thank everyone for visiting my site and enriching my life and the lives of your animals.

Be sure to check out my guestbook for other comments about my web pages both good and bad. I NEVER remove any bad comments from the guestbook or otherwise alter it except to remove obscene or duplicate entries.

Note that I corrected any spelling errors but otherwise did not change the messages. Some of the grammar, punctuation, and/or syntax may be incorrect.

Comments followed by "unknown" were e-mails that were not signed and had no name in the e-mail address or field either so I do not know the person's name.

The comments are listed from oldest to newest on the appropriate pages. Remember that my site started out with about 20 pages (on 9 URL's) in 1997 (which was almost nothing) and is now near 1000 pages (on almost 500 URL's, 2007)!

For organizational purposes due to the files becoming too large to handle, in late October 2004, I moved all the comments to their own folder with multiple files. Here is the index of comments on these various pages.

Due to lack of time, beginning in late 2006, I basically stopped recording comments here. So, it looks like I stopped getting them but I just stopped putting them on my site.

Comments Index:

General (as well as other pages) - 1997 to 2003
General (as well as other pages) - 2004 to 2025

Fish - 1997 to 2002
Fish - 2003 to 2004
Fish - 2005
Fish - 2006 to 2009

Ponds - 1997-2001
Ponds - 2002
Ponds - 2003
Ponds - 2004
Ponds - 2005
Ponds - 2006-2010


Criticisms about Robyn's Web Pages and My Response

I have a guestbook on my Homepage and you can contact me as well with your comments and suggestions. Criticisms are welcome as well. That is how I know to make corrections to my pages.

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