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Robyn's Aquatic Pond Plant Index
Last Updated: 2/21/14

Here you can see five of my lilies blooming [from left to right: Chromatella (yellow),
Comanche (orange/yellow), Fabiola (pink), Albata (white), and William Falconer (red)], non-
blooming lotus (Perry's Giant Sunburst, yellow), some yellow snowflake, salvinia in the net at
the bottom left, and a lot of marginals; taken July 1998. Other pictures with my pond plants can
be found at my pond pictures page.
This is specifically about pond plants. A little bit of information on aquarium plants can be
found at my aquarium plant page. Be sure to visit all 33 plant-related
Aquatic Plant Index:
Aquatic Plant Sources and Links
Aquatic Plant Care
Pond Plant Pests
Aquatic Plant Information
Pond Marginals
Water Iris
Water Lilies and Lotus
Floating Plants
Submerged Plants
Overwintering Pond Plants
Aquatic Plant Lists
Other of Robyn's Pages with Pond Plant Information:
Go to the main plant page (full index).
Go to the aquarium algae index.
Go to the pond algae index.
Go to the aquarium plant index.
Go to the pond plant index.
See the master index for the plant pages (quick index).