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Turtle Links

Last Updated: 10/5/09

Newsgroups and Yahoo Groups
Turtle Organizations and FAQ's
Turtle Forums
Personal and Other Turtle Web Pages
Specific Species

If you cannot find what you are looking for on my page, you can search the internet:


The links on this page were last verified on 2/2/06 with bad links either being updated by searching for the site or removed if they could not be found. In any case where I think the site was superb and/or could find an archived version, I will note that it is gone but link to an archived version. A ton of these sites have vanished so I put up archived versions. Where are all the turtle pages going? If your site was wrongly removed because I could not find where it had gone, please e-mail me. Also contact me if you want me to add a new turtle link.

For (more) links on baby turtles, see the hatchling turtle links section.

For (more) links on box turtles, see the Box Turtle Links section.

For (more) links on snapping turtles, see the Snapping Turtle Links section.

For (more) links on slider turtles, see the Slider Links section.

Newsgroups and Yahoo Groups

This is the herp newsgroup:

rec.pets.herp - use this link if you have a newsgroup system

rec.pets.herp - use this web link to use the newsgroup off google newsgroups.

A search on Yahoo Groups brings up 404 groups involving the word turtle! There are groups for box turtles, snapping turtles, turtle rescue, sliders, and a ton more. Here is a link to the list.

Yahoo turtle groups


Here are some places where I have bought turtle supplies.

A free reptile catalog from That Pet Place can be obtained by calling 1-888-THATPET.

Drs. Foster and Smith has a reptile catalog that you can receive free by calling 1-800-826-7206.

Turtle Organizations and FAQ's

The World Chelonian Trust

Mid-Atlantic Turtle & Tortoise Society

CA turtle and tortoise club - lots of good information on water turtles, their ponds, fencing, filtration, plants, and more; the best site I have found!

Tortoise Aid International - large site on the conservation and aid or tortoises and turtles as well as information and links

Turtle Homes is a collection of people dedicated to turtles and placing turtles in new turtle-loving homes. The site includes information on many facets of turtle keeping.

Massachusetts Turtle Rescue

Indiana Turtle Care - a site of a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, contains rare information on caring for hatchlings and turtle health. This site was formerly Pogos Pals.

Turtles of the World

The Turtle Ranch - based in Houston

Turtle Forums

Kingsnake Turtle Forum

Turtle Times Forum

Austin's Turtle Forum

Happy Turtle's Pub - turtle forum.

Turtlesite.com Forum

Personal and Other Turtle Web Pages

Turtles in Water Gardens - excellent articles on keeping both turtles and water plants, the species available, and fencing; unfortunately, this link no longer exists, and I cannot find where it has gone (not in the internet archives); please let me know if you know where it has moved; you can still visit their main page.

Water Turtles - keeping water turtles inside; this is an archived version of a now defunct site.

Turtle Links - this is an archived version of Vicky's turtle pages. There is a newer version at turtlecare.net.

The Turtle Pages - this is an archived version of a now defunct site

Turtleshop - fun site with turtle cartoons.

Gee's Turtle Info - information on aquatic turtles and box turtles. This is an archived version of a now defunct site.

Mike's Turtle and Tortoise Page - this is an archived version of a now defunct site

HerpDigest - "A free weekly newsletter on the latest news on reptile and amphibian science and conservation."

Turtles of Virginia & Maryland - this is an archived version of a now defunct site

Melissa Kaplan's Herp & Iguana Care Information Collection

Janice's Turtle Pond - 4000 gallon turtle pond

The Turtle Puddle - a summer-only outdoor pond for a few turtles

Manouria - magazine on turtles for French-speakers; they asked me to link to their site which also is in English (there is not much on the site).

Mike's Life List - includes photos and a little information on about 17 species of turtles.

Turtle Care - Val's Turtle Information Pages - a large site with lots of links.

Draybar Turtles - this turtle lovers has 23 turtles as of 7/27/02!! There are photos of many interesting species of turtles, and many large and good turtle setups.

Turtle Café- turtle information, sell turtle and tortoise supplies and plants to eat

Turtle Times - a huge web site devoted to turtles including way too much stuff to list here including a ton of links, a must visit!

This Site
Can be found at Turtle Times

Lake Jackson Turtle Ecopassage - a site about the fight to save hundreds of turtles and other animals being killed crossing one section of US Highway 27 in Florida; they're working on having a permanent ecopassage installed. The site also has some photos of some interesting turtles.

Turtle Field Guide - Turtle Steve's Place with lots of turtle information on North American turtles and tortoises. This site lets you key out which species of turtle that you have but does not include all possibilities.

Takin' Care of Turtles - a site with lots of turtle information. This is an archived version of a now defunct site.

Happy Turtle - pet turtle information.

Austin's Turtle Page - a huge turtle site you must visit!

Under the Heat Lamp - a turtle page by Dave. This is an archived version of a now defunct site.

Herpedia - an encyclopedia of reptiles and amphibians which includes photos and information on many turtle species.

Turtle Care - Turtle care and species information

Turtles.net - turtle discussions and forum

Turtle Identification - part of a forum but good if you need to find out what turtle that you have.

A turtle blog


Specific Species

For links on the various species of turtles on this site, go to the sections on those species for a lot more links.

Red-Eared Sliders - information on one person's success with breeding and keeping red-eared sliders outside in California

Slider Home - site on red-eared sliders.

The Snapping Turtle Website

Guinea side-necked turtles - One owner's recounting of caring for these neat turtles. He even got some babies to hatch from his pair!

Red-Eared Sliders - the story of one owner of a pair of turtles and their baby, kept in an outdoor pond.

Wood Turtles

For additional links, check out Lori Green's article.

Additional links to specific turtle-related topics can be found throughout my turtle pages.

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