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Galap Turtles
Map Turtles
Musk Turtles
Painted Turtles
Red-Bellied Turtles
Red-Eared Sliders
Softshell Turtles
Snapping Turtles
Stripped Mud Turtles
Yellow-Bellied Sliders
Yellow Mud Turtles
Baby box turtle photos can be seen here.
If you have any hatchling or baby turtles, you can send me photos for me to put on here to show what the cute little guys look like. I will include your first name and date I received the photos.
Photos are listed newest to oldest in most cases. The photos are text links so the page loads faster.
There are some photos of a young (little older than a baby) map turtle in the map turtle section.
I am not 100% sure of every turtle identification that I have made. If you think one or more is in error, please contact me with such information.
There are a few hatchling turtle photos elsewhere on my site, for example:
Notes on the hatchling turtle page - has a hatchling turtle
photo there.
Notes on the snapping turtle page - has a hatchling
snapping turtle photo there.
Go to my hatchling turtle page for more on baby turtles.
On 8/28/08, Crystal sent this photo of a baby turtle. She thinks it is a Peninsula cooter.
Baby turtle
Rachel who lives in Trinidad sent this photo of a turtle on 6/24/07 for identification. The turtle
was laying eggs in her yard. I was not sure what it was but she got back to me and told me it is a
Common Galap or Rhinoclemmys punctularia.
Common Galap and its egg
On 9/12/07, Rachel sent me this photo of the baby that hatched!
Baby Galap turtle
Sarah sent some photos of her baby map turtle on 3/4/07 (#1 to 8), 3/7/07 (#9 to 14), 3/10/07
(#15 & 16), 3/16/07 (#17), and 3/21/07 (#18 to 20). These photos are all from the same person,
and I think it is the same turtle (not positive).
Top view next to coin
Front view - hard to see
The turtle's setup
Top view
Bottom view
Side view - fuzzy
Bottom view
Side view
Front view - under water
Top view - in hand
Top view - in hand
Top view
Bottom view - under water
Side view - under water
Top view in the grass
Top view on a rock
Bottom view - the circled area was
where her dog bit the turtle
Top view
Top view
Bottom view - the circled area was
where her dog bit the turtle
On 12/1/05, Pat in Texas sent these photos of a 1" baby turtle named Monroe that may be a musk
turtle. They are also called stinkpots. On 1/7/08, she told me that Monroe has not grown at all
in two years!
Monroe's carapace
Monroe's plastron
Monroe's plastron
Cathy sent this photo of five hatchling painted turtles on a coke can on 8/28/08.
Hatchling painted turtles
On 6/24/08, Marlene sent these photos of a baby Eastern painted turtle named Bubba.
Baby painted turtle - plastron view
Baby painted turtle - plastron view
Baby painted turtle - carapace view
On 6/17/08, Larry in New York sent these photos of a baby Eastern painted turtle that he
Baby Eastern painted turtle - right
Baby Eastern painted turtle - top
Baby Eastern painted turtle - left
For these photos, I lost the name of the person who sent them as well as the date (circa 2008)! I
am putting them up anyway. It is a baby Eastern painted turtle.
Baby painted turtle - eating an
Baby painted turtle - basking with his
feet sticking out
Baby painted turtle
Shena sent me this photo of a baby turtle on 8/12/07. I think it might be a Western painted
Baby Western painted turtle
Lizzy sent these photos on 8/9/07 of her two young painted turtles, Bubbles (the smaller
one) and Delilah. Don informed me on 11/16/07 that they are probably Eastern x Western
painted turtle hybrids because their scutes alternate like Western turtles but the yellow spots on
the side of the head and the carapace are more like Eastern painted turtles.
Bubbles - top view
Bubbles - front view
Bubbles - top view
Bubbles and Delilah - in the water
Delilah and Bubbles - top view on
Bubbles - right side view
Delilah - top view
Delilah - right side view
Delilah - plastron (bottom) view
Tonya sent these photos of her baby painted turtle on 7/9/07. She had had the turtle for a whole
year in a 10 gallon tank but it was still under two inches long, and she wanted to know why. The
photos are blurry.
Painted turtle - in the setup
Painted turtle - top view on the turtle
Painted turtle - in hand
Painted turtle - front view, swimming
Painted turtle - swimming in the tank
Jessica sent these photos of a baby painted turtle for identification on 5/21/07.
Baby painted turtle - left side
Baby painted turtle - front view,
Baby painted turtle - top view, in
Justin sent this photo on 1/4/07. More photos without the turtles in them are on my turtle tank page.
Turtle Tank - with two baby turtles; Florida
red-bellied turtle in the back and Southern painted turtle in the front
Go to my turtle breeding page to see photos of a painted turtle laying eggs and the resulting hatchlings (from 2006).
Trish sent this photo of a painted turtle hatchling with two heads on 9/23/06. Because the heads
are not fully separated, the baby most likely will not survive. Sometimes turtle embryos split (as
with identical twins). If they fully split, the babies never hatch because there is not enough room
in the egg for two babies. If they only separate at the head, then they are sometimes born but
only rarely survive. Trish found a wildlife group to take him in.
Two-headed painted turtle hatchling
Randy sent a bunch of photos of his baby Eastern painted turtle in July 2006. He sent so many that I made an entire page just for the photos that he sent. Go to Randy's turtles page.
Sarah sent me these photos of her young painted turtle named Paintball on 11/19/05 and
11/20/05. Paintball may be a Southern painted turtle (if he/she has a stripe down the back):
Baby paintball
Paintball on top of a map turtle
Paintball - plastron
Paintball - carapace
Paintball - hanging on a ledge
Paintball when he/she was a little older along
with a map turtle and a hatchling red-eared slider in the photo.
Ashley has a young painted turtle and a young red-bellied slider. She sent these photos
on 11/14/05.
Red-bellied turtle (left) and painted turtle
(right) - carapaces
Painted turtle (left) and red-bellied turtle
(right) - plastrons
Danny sent me two photos on 11/7/05 of a painted turtle that was hatching by a creek.
Just-hatched painted turtle
Painted turtle coming out of the shell
Jennifer sent me these photos of a young painted turtle named George on 10/5/05:
George side view
George top front view
George bottom view
On 8/22/05, Michael sent these photos of his painted turtle hatchlings:
Painted turtles hatching
Painted turtle hatching - see the yolk on
the baby's abdomen
Painted turtles hatching
Painted turtles hatching
Painted turtles hatching - with a penny
size reference
Here are two photos sent to me on 7/4/05 of a baby painted turtle hatchling (no name in the
Bottom view
Top view
A sick baby painted turtle photo sent 5/11/05 by Bobbie. The turtle has swollen eyes (a common problem that must be treated). Two other photos were sent but I have not had time to download them (the files are huge).
On 5/1/05, Jenn sent two photos of a hatchling painted turtle. I thought I would link in these
photos finally on 2/3/07.
Hatchling turtle - sitting on a fake log, a
nickel next to him to show how tiny he is.
Hatchling turtle - left side and front
view. His red color seems pretty intense for a painted turtle.
Jessica sent these three photos of a hatchling (I think) Western painted turtle on 4/13/05. I
in these photos on 2/3/07.
Hatchling turtle plastron
Hatchling turtle - top view, fuzzy photo
Hatchling turtle - top view, sitting on a
Two baby painted turtles sent to me by Paula on 3/1/05. The one on top is Margarita, about the size of a quarter. The one on the bottom is Little Bob who is about 3" in size and 11-months-old.
Thanks to Melissa who sent these photos of her baby turtles on 12/10/03. She said they were
about 1.5 inches long.
Baby turtles - top left is a red-eared
slider (I think), top right is
a yellow-eared slider, and bottom is the painted turtle (I think).
Baby turtles - left is the baby painted
turtle (I think) and on the
right is the baby red-eared slider with his reflection in the glass. You can also see a baby
goldfish she used to feed them.
Note that red-bellied turtles may also be called cooters or sliders but I have read there is no red- bellied slider and all are, in fact, cooters. Also, see my section on red-bellied turtles.
Justin sent this photo on 1/4/07. More photos without the turtles in them are on my turtle tank page.
Turtle Tank - with two baby turtles; Florida
red-bellied turtle in the back and Southern painted turtle in the front
Ashley has a young painted turtle and a young red-bellied turtle. She sent these photos
on 11/14/05. (They arrived this small size.)
Red-bellied turtle (left) and painted turtle
(right) - carapaces
Painted turtle (left) and red-bellied turtle
(right) - plastrons
Red-bellied turtle
Red-bellied turtle
Here are two photos of a hatchling red-bellied turtle sent to me by Cindi on 10/13/05:
Hatchling red-bellied turtle carapace
Hatchling red-bellied turtle plastron
Cindi gave the above turtle to me. You can read about Tator and see more photos of Tator as she has grown on Tator's Page.
On 10/1/07, Christina sent these photos of her two baby red-eared sliders.
Two baby red-eared sliders - view from
One baby red-eared sliders - view from
One baby red-eared slider - view from behind,
in a glass bowl.
Stacey sent these photos of a hatchling red-eared slider named Toby on 5/11/07.
Baby red-eared slider - view from the front.
Baby red-eared slider - view from the front right
Baby red-eared slider - view from the back right
Jason sent these photos on 2/4/07 of his young red-eared slider that had a deformed shell. We
discussed ways to improve Cursor the turtle's environment, light, and feeding so hopefully he
got better. He had had the turtle for four months at the time of the photos.
Deformed red-eared slider - top view
Deformed red-eared slider - right side, in
Danny sent me this great photo of a baby pastel red-eared slider on 10/18/06.
Pastel baby red-eared slider
Sarah sent me a few dozen photos of her turtles, mostly RES on 11/19/05 and 11/20/05. To keep them all in one spot, I put them on my sliders page. There are eight photos of the hatchling she found there in that group.
On 9/19/05, Steve sent me two photos of hatchling red-eared sliders:
Baby red-eared slider
Baby red-eared slider
On 7/19/05, Michael sent me a photo of Opus, a hatchling red-eared slider:
A bunch of baby red-eared sliders sent 6/23/05 by Chuck.
On 3/12/05, Renee sent me some photos of a baby turtle for identification. It is a baby red-eared slider. Here is a front view and a top/side view which shows the tell-tale red cheek stripe.
Thanks to Julie for these three photos sent to me 9/03 of her baby red-eared slider.
Baby red-eared slider
Baby red-eared slider
Baby red-eared slider
Thanks to Melissa who sent these photos of her baby turtles on 12/10/03. She said they were
about 1.5 inches long.
Baby turtles - top left is a red-eared
slider (I think), top right is
a yellow-eared slider (used for the above close-up), and bottom is a painted turtle (I
Baby turtles - left is the baby painted
turtle (I think) and on the
right is the baby red-eared slider with his reflection in the glass. You can also see a baby
goldfish she used to feed them.
Tony sent these photos of newborn softshell turtles on 9/27/10. He said, "I saw your site and
thought you might like these pics I took today. I've hatched 1,000's of bearded dragons and ball
pythons, but these are my first turtle eggs. The soft shells are about twice the size of the egg and
are folded up kinda like a fortune cookie. It takes about 2 days for the turtles flatten out. I don't
know how they survive in the wild as they are constantly upside down ;)"
Hatching baby softshell turtle
Hatching baby softshell turtle
Hatching baby softshell turtle
Hatchling softshell turtle plastron -
note the large amount of remaining yolk
Hatchling softshell turtle
On 11/4/07, Susan sent these four photos of an unknown baby turtle from Indiana that was about
1.75 inches in diameter. It is a darling baby softshell turtle named Noodle. Noodle is probably
an Eastern spiny softshell turtle or Midland smooth softshell turtle.
Baby softshell turtle
Baby softshell turtle
Baby softshell turtle
Baby softshell turtle
I have moved the photos that I took of Snappy, the hatchling snapping turtle that I took care of during the winter of 2002/2003, to Snappy's Page.
On 6/13/08, my father found a baby snapping turtle by our pool! This was the first turtle that
not a box turtle ever seen on our land. His shell length was 3" but with a 3" head and neck and
3" tail, his entire length was closer to 9". Since we did not want him moving in to my pond
(where he would do very well and not cause problems for a few years when he would start eating
too many of my fish and frog buddies), my mother wanted to release him at a lake a few miles
away. Since she was "too busy," I kept him a few days and took photos. I fed him mealworms
and crickets which he liked. He was set up in my basement pond (that was empty) with two
bricks on which to bask, a hardware cloth lid, and a heat lamp. I did not put in a filter, heater,
etc. for such a short stay.
Baby snapper
Baby snapper
Baby snapper
Baby snapper - in the temporary setup
with a cricket
On 6/15/08, I released the baby snapper at a local pond. Here are some more photos.
Snapper - top view
Snapper - close-up of the head
Snapper - bottom view; note how his
plastron gives him more leg room than most aquatic turtles.
Snapper - good bye! He is digging in
to the mud to his new home.
Other People's Baby Snapping Turtle Photos
Amy sent these photos of a baby snapping turtle on 6/20/07. She named him Snappy just like I
named the one I had years ago. She found the turtle when she ran it over with the lawn mower.
Luckily, the baby was not hurt.
Baby snapping turtle
Baby snapping turtle - chasing
Baby snapping turtle - killing baby
goldfish (I am sad for the goldfish! I did offer my baby snapper guppies once but he did not
harm them.)
Pearl sent these photos of a baby snapping turtle that she found on 5/15/07. She named him
Baby snapping turtle in tank
Baby snapping turtle - top view; there is
a guppy at the bottom left of the photo
Here is a photo of three baby five-month-old snapping turtles that Ron raised using help from this web page and sent to me on 5/28/04. He planned to release them on 6/12/04. They are named from right to left, Moe, Larry, and Curly. He also sent this photo of Larry and this photo of Moe doing pushups.
Here is a link that Laurie sent me of a snapping turtle hatching. You can see the egg tooth, etc.: Snapper hatching.
Michelle sent me some photos of snapping turtles hatching on 9/29/04. Here is the best one of snapping turtles hatching.
Angela sent me these four photos of Yugi on 10/17/04. When Yugi got bigger, Angela thinks
he/she is a striped mud turtle. At first I thought he/she was a stinkpot. You can see photos of
Yugi 8 months later in my mud turtle section.
Baby mud turtle
Baby mud turtle
Baby mud turtle
Baby mud turtle
Kathy sent these photos for identification on 9/15/07. I think this young turtle is a yellow-bellied
Young yellow-bellied slider - top
Young yellow-bellied slider - bottom
Derek sent these photos on 7/26/07 of a baby turtle that he found. We think it is a yellow-bellied
slider. These are good photos.
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling - left
side view
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling -
plastron (bottom) view
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling - right
side view
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling - right
side view
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling -
top/right side view
Matthew sent these photos on 5/31/07 of his yellow-bellied slider named Patrick when he was
baby and then at 1.5 years old.
Patrick as a baby - top front
Patrick at 1.5 years old - top front
Frank sent this photo of hatchling turtles on 5/27/07 that he found at a waste treatment plant. I
am not sure if they are yellow-bellied sliders or perhaps some sort of cooter. What do you
Hatchlings - close-up of the
previous photo
Andrea sent these photos of a baby turtle for identification on 5/31/07. It looks a lot like Patrick
in the previous photos. I think it may be a yellow-bellied slider as well. If not, then some sort of
cooter. What do you think?
Baby turtle - top view.
Baby turtle - top view in its setup (not
an appropriate setup long term).
Diane sent these photos of a 1.5 inch yellow-bellied slider hatchling on 4/11/07.
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling - side
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling - top
Yellow-bellied slider hatchling -
bottom view.
Sarah sent these photos of two baby turtles on 3/27/07. I think they are yellow-bellied
Yellow-bellied slider baby - top
Yellow-bellied slider baby - plastron
(bottom) view
Two yellow-bellied slider babies -
top view
Two yellow-bellied slider baby -
front view
Yellow-bellied slider baby - top
Jamie sent this photo of a baby turtle on 3/27/07. It was not a great picture so I could only guess
that it might be a yellow-bellied slider. What do you think?
Baby turtle
Dan sent these photos of cute hatchling turtles on 3/17/07 to ask if they were yellow-bellied
sliders or chicken turtles. They look so similar to me that I am not positive but I think they are
yellow-bellied sliders.
Nine hatchlings
Two of the hatchlings
Two of the hatchlings
Two of the hatchlings in hand and
three in the background
Nine hatchlings
One hatchling - view from
One hatchling - plastron (bottom)
One hatchling - carapace (top)
Randy sent a bunch of photos of his baby yellow-bellied slider on 9/25/06 that you can see on Randy's turtles page.
Kerrie sent these photos of a turtle that may be a yellow-bellied slider on 9/26/05:
Top/side view
Head on view
Plastron view
Chris and Megan sent these photos of a baby turtle named Squirt on 11/10/04. I was not sure
if he/she is a baby yellow-
bellied slider or a baby chicken turtle.
What do you think? I am leaning towards the slider. Well, John told me on 4/7/05 that Squirt is
definitely a slider. Mike told me on 6/20/06 that Squirt is definitely not a yellow-bellied slider
(no yellow on the cheek) but he was not sure what species Squirt was.
Squirt's back
Squirt's front
Squirt's side
Thanks to Melissa who sent these photos of her baby turtles on 12/10/03. She said they were
about 1.5 inches long.
Close-up of baby yellow-bellied
Baby turtles - top left is a red-eared
slider, top right is a yellow-bellied slider (used for the above close-up), and bottom is another
slider (hard to see what kind).
Denise sent these photos of two baby turtles named Bert and Koko we think are yellow mud
turtles on 10/31/04. If it just says yellow mud turtle than it was labeled as to whether it was
Bert or Koko in the photo.
Bert on his rock
Bert and Koko
Yellow mud turtle
Yellow mud turtle
Carapace of yellow mud turtle
Plastron of yellow mud turtle
Carapace of yellow mud turtle
Bert on his rock
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