Last Updated: 7/20/98
My first and only web page, created September, 1997.
See the index to all pages at the very bottom of this and all nine of my pages.
Animals - cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, sailfin lizards, wild
turkeys, wildlife, dozens of species of fish, aquaria, ponds, pond animals, and more
Other Information - games, links
Comments on My Web Pages
Web Rings to Which I Belong - Internet Pond Society, two different
Aquaria, and Tropical Fishkeeping Web Rings
Index to Robyn's Web Pages
Hello! I am Robyn Rhudy of Central Maryland, USA. My life revolves around my animals. I currently love and care for 4 cats, 1 dog, 2 rabbits, 1 sailfin lizard, 1 Eastern wild turkey, 3 fish tanks, 1 salamander tank, and 3 ponds. I have extensive knowledge about these animals, many other plants and animals both domestic and wild, aquaria, and ponds. My parents and I have lived on five acres in the suburbs since 1977. I alone have cared for our menagerie of animals since 1982, and I have read hundreds of books on various animals. I am a preservationist and received my Masters of Science in Analytical Chemistry in the Spring of 1996. I worked at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for six months and was layed off. I am currently working at a new job at about 81% of my previous pay and about 20% of my previous benefits; therefore, I am still on the look out for other opportunities. Please view my resume below if you can help. Thanks.
All information provided is, to the best of my knowledge, correct based on my experiences, reading countless books, participating in newsgroups, and surfing the net. Some information is my opinion. Thus, I cannot guarantee that everything herein is 100% true. I cannot be held responsible for any difficulties or pet losses resulting from the advice herein. Some things that do or do not work for me may have the opposite outcome in others' experiences. If you find any information which you believe to be false, please E-mail me. Please send your suggestions and additional information relevant to my pages as well. Except for my brother's web page below, being a member of NWF and MAKC, and participating in some newsgroups; I am not associated with any of the sites to which I refer. Thank you and I hope that you will get something out of my webpages.
Visit my Mammal Page to learn about the mammals that I have kept including cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, and Siberian hamsters. Information on my animals, their care, and links to good sources are included. A discussion of breast cancer as it affected and killed one of my cats and one of my rabbits is included. Also, the effects of pasturella on my rabbits and diabetes on my cat are discussed.
Visit my Other Animals Page to learn about my sailfin lizard, wild turkeys, wildlife, and other animals. Information on my animals, their care, and links to good sites are included.
Visit my Fishy Page to learn about my setups and all sorts of information on fish care, books, and links.
Visit my Fishy Page Too to learn about all my fish including goldfish,
guppies, koi, mosquito fish, orfes, otocinclus, panda cories, paradise fish, common plecostomus,
rosy barbs, rosy red/fathead minnows, white cloud mountain minnows, zebra danios, and more!
Included are descriptions, care, sexing, and breeding. I have bred minnows, danios, white
clouds, panda cories, guppies, mosquito fish, and more. The care and breeding of rosy red or
fathead minnows are covered in depth.
Visit my Pond Page to learn all about my 1800, 50, and 16.5 gallon ponds, their setups (including inventories), care, and inhabitants. A list of places to call to get free (and low cost) pond catalogs is included.
My newest page is my Pond Animals Page which is a work in progress. It includes information on many species of animals that can be added to a pond and that may show up on their own (frogs, insects, microorganisms, etc.). If I ever get another break from work, I will add to this page; until then, it is unfinished.
There is also a Plant Page which lists all of the plants found in the six plant catalogs that I have. Information includes Latin names, whether the plant is native, planting depths, plant heights, zones, sun preferences, flower colors, prices at the six places, and which plants I have tried.
Computer Games:
You should visit my brother's homepage. It includes a few shareware games which I helped him create. You can download them and have hours of fun! The games include a move based war strategy game called Tank Regime for two players. Also, he has a program which allows non-programmers to create adventure games.
My father may or may not soon have a web page on Rhudy genealogy.
Soap Operas:
I also watch three soap operas: The Young and the Restless and As the World Turns every weekday since 1983 and The Days of Our Lives every weekday since 1990. Two newsgroups discuss these shows: for Y&R and ATWT and for DOOL. Also, there is a great ATWT site. I found a DOOL site which includes reviews for the days (pun intended) I miss DOOL due to power outages or network interruptions (too frequent!!).
I love the tv show Sliders which moved to cable which we do not have! The official site is here .
Visit BridgePath to get job and internship announcements, if you are a college student or a recent graduate.
People have e-mailed me the following comments about my various web pages:
"I just spent at least one enjoyable hour reading your fish and pond pages. Great job!!! Thanks for creating this site....Your post says this is your first page???? Wow, an even better job than I originally thought, it just seems so well done, I thought you were a professional." - John, 9/28/97.
"I just visited your pond page. Wow, I'm very impressed by your determination to have a pond....Just thought I'd tell you how great your page is." - Sheryl, 10/5/97.
"Thanks a million! I liked your page very much!" - Jose, 10/5/97.
"You have a nice page going there! I love your pond!" - Kellie, 10/5/95.
"Interesting web page, good job and keep it up!" - William, 10/7/97.
"Very good, just added it to my 'favorite places' and will check it out often." - Tomtom, 10/8/97.
"Robyn, your uses for pantyhose is great!!! I would never have thought about that, but I'm glad that you did!! Thanks for the info in your web page" - Kes-Nicole, 10/8/97.
"Thanks you for your very informative pages. Thanks to you, my interest has picked up and my knowledge has grown." - Sandy, 11/9/97.
"I really enjoyed your site. Very informative and to the point. The best site out of the past 10 submitted in my book." - Rusher, 11/15/97.
"Also, let me say that it is great to find a web site that seems to discuss the very questions we have had since filling our pond." - Brock, 11/28/97.
"And I also want to compliment you on your web pages. It is clear how much time, knowledge, and consideration you put into your sites." - Brock, 1/6/98.
"Your love of animals and compassion is obvious from your web page. I really enjoyed reading about all your critters." - Nancy, 1/10/98.
"I'm so sorry that Loppy's gone. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Loppy looked like a really sweet and cuddly little bun. After looking at your web page, I'm convinced the world would be a better place with more people like you. A rose for Loppy. @}---}------- " - Roger, 1/10/98, the nicest e-mail I've ever gotten, in response to Loppy's death, the day before.
"I began the long ascent of your site and I must say that I am stupefied, as much by the quality of your articles as by your humor and the exactness of your words. Your site is a pure marvel.... I thank you for entertaining other aquarists and myself with your own experiences...." - translated from a French aquarist, 3/6/98.
"What a site! I find it hard to believe that so few people have found it, considering the vast amount of information you have...." - Charlie, 7/18/98.
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