Introduction to Peafowl
Our Peafowl and Photos
Photos of Peafowl
Peafowl Web Sites
Peafowl come from India. Male peafowl are peacocks. Most people recognize peacocks for their massive tail displays. Female peafowl are peahens. Baby peafowl are peachicks. Peafowl are one of the most beautiful species of birds. They come in many different colors now. Peafowl are also one of the more expensive birds, running about $100 to $200 each.
On 9/9/09, my mother called me at work to say that there was a peacock on our land. She named him Fifi. He had molted so he could not fly. We tried to herd him in to a cage with no luck. He then left. Here are some photos that my mother took. He was never seen again.
Fifi - close-up of the previous photo
Fifi by the chicken pen
Fifi - close-up of the previous photo
Photos are listed from oldest to newest.
Joyce sent these four photos of her wild turkeys and their run on 5/21/06. The pen is 75' x 12' in
size and contains two adult male wild turkeys, two adult female wild turkeys, an adult peacock,
and the offspring of the wild turkeys (five eggs hatched via natural incubation on 5/21/06).
There seem to be some white birds in there too? The photos are a little blurry.
Cage with turkeys and peacock
Cage with turkeys and peacock
Cage with turkeys and peacock
Cage with turkeys and peacock
I took these photos of peacocks at Land of the
Little Horses on 7/29/07. Unfortunately, the first two are through fencing. For the last one, I
stuck the camera through the fence and got a good photo. The female is not a standard peacock.
She may be the green variety or something. I think the male is not standard either. If you know,
please contact me so I can update it here.
I took these photos at the National
Zoo on 9/14/07:
On 9/16/07, Susan in Canada sent these photos of her baby male turkey poult that was hatched by
a peahen. She said, "Last year a peahen flew onto my 5 acre property and gradually adopted my
horses, dogs, cats, chickens and myself. We were honoured. After conveying the message that
she seriously wanted to sit her two infertile eggs, I contacted a neighbor who is a major birder
and caretaker of many large fowl. Two fertilized turkey eggs and exactly 28 days later, two
lovely chicks emerged. One thrived, the other withered and died on Day 5." Here are just the
photos that also show the peahen (all the photos are on my turkey
photo page).
Domestic turkey poult (6 weeks old) and
mother peahen
Two domestic turkey poults (a few days old)
and mother peahen
On 10/6/07, Susan sent newer photos of her baby male turkey poult with its "mommy"
Domestic turkey poult (about 10 weeks old)
and mother peahen
Domestic turkey poult (about 10 weeks old)
and mother peahen
Domestic turkey poult (about 10 weeks old)
and mother peahen
On 1/27/08, Susan sent these photos of her now adult five month old male turkey ("Helen") and
its mother peahen (Renee).
Domestic turkey and mother peahen and a
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and
a bunch of chickens
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and
a chicken
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and
two chickens
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and
a bunch of chickens
From the Washington, D.C. zoo on 10/2/11:
Peafowl Information Center - one of many places selling peafowl eggs
The Feather Site - page on peacocks. Includes lots of photos!!
Raising Peafowl is Easy - one person's blog
Wayne's Pond Showcase Page - the last photo shows a pair of peacocks walking by his beyond gorgeous pond.
A peacock thread in my forum - one of a few peacock discussions involving the aforementioned enviable Wayne.
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