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Sailfin Lizard Books and Links

Last Updated: 12/8/14

I have the e-mail addresses of a few other people who keep or kept sailfin lizards. If there is a question I cannot answer, I would be happy to ask them for you. Unfortunately, many of these people change their e-mails so I can no longer contact them. If you are a sailfin breeder or knowledged owner and would like your e-mail included on my page, please let me know.


I have the following books on lizards and sailfin lizards. Finding books on sailfin lizards is difficult. Only the first two books have sailfins in the title but the others mention them.

Book Information Link to Purchase
The General Care and Maintenance of Green Water Dragons, Sailfin Lizards and Basilisks by Philippe de Vosjoli, Advanced Vivarium Systems, 1992.
A Guide to Owning Water Dragons, Sailfin Lizards, and Basilisks by John Coborn, TFH Publications, 1996.
The Lizard Keepers Handbook by Philippe de Vosjoli, Advanced Vivarium Systems, 1994.

The Right Way to Feed Insect-Eating Lizards by Philippe de Vosjoli, Advanced Vivarium Systems, 1990.

Lizards in the Terrarium by Harold Jes, Barrons Educational Series, Inc., 1987. There is a sailfin on the cover.

I also have the Repta-Care Sheet #05 on Sailfin Dragons. It does not list a producer. It calls the Phillipines sailfin lizard by Hydrosaurus pustulosus instead of the correct Hydrosaurus pustulatus.

Also, check out the May 1998 issue of Reptiles magazine for an article on sailfin lizards including nice color photos.

Newsgroups and Yahoo Groups

Rec.pets.herps - the old newsgroup (warning; it is full of SPAM now)

**Sailfin Lizard Yahoo Group - this is a group run by Scott who breeds sailfins. Be sure to check out the photo gallery. His photos of Weber's (H. weberi) and Philippine's (H. pustulatus) sailfins are incredible, and there are some H. amboinensis photos as well. I saw a photo for the first time (back in 2000?) of a male H. pustulatus to compare to my female. He is amazing!


Get a free reptile catalog from That Pet Place by calling 1-888-THATPET.

Drs. Foster and Smith will send you a free reptile catalog if you call 1-800-443-1160. You can enter their web site from this link:
Drs. Foster & Smith - The Trusted Name  in Reptile Supplies

Sailfin-Specific Web Sites

These links were last checked on 2/24/08, and some that were gone were removed.

SailfinDragon.com - Scott Corning's new site on sailfins.

Sailfins - sailfin info, sailfins for sale from a breeder, will also buy sailfins.

Sailfin Photos - photos and information on Maya, a Hydrosaurus amboinensis.

CITES Proposal for Sailfins - this is an archived version as the original site is gone

Melissa Kaplan's Sailfin Lizard Page

Lizard Web Sites

These links were last checked on 2/24/08.

These are generic web sites on reptiles like lizards and may or may not include sailfin lizard information.

Herp Forums

Tricia's Water Dragon Page includes information on water dragons (similar to sailfins), some other reptiles, and care and breeding of insect foods. She has a page which includes a little bit of information on sailfins.

Reptiles Magazine On- Line

Lizard links

Philippine Sailfin Lizard - information on Philippine sailfin lizards and a photo of the head of a male; Oregon Zoo

Iguana site - this herp enthusiast has a sailfin lizard in addition to some iguanas, photo included of young, cute sailfin. This is an archived version as the site is now gone.

HerpDigest - "A free weekly electronic newsletter on the latest news on reptile and amphibian science and conservation."

The Lizard Lounge - a site on lizards.

Worm Man - sells live crickets, mealworms, king mealworms, butterworms, etc.

Breeding crickets

Housing and Feeding Invertebrate Prey

Sailfin Dragon Care and Conservation

Pet Link Banner Exchange:

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