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Robyn's Rabbits

Last Updated: 9/8/06

Jumping Rabbit Jumping Rabbit Jumping Rabbit Jumping
Rabbit Jumping Rabbit Jumping Rabbit

Harry, Sweetie, and Mr. Tiny (left to right) on 3/18/06. There is a video from then too on my video page.

Isabella (left) and Sweetie (right) getting to know each other in their run in the summer of 2003.

My Past and Present Rabbits

Pictures, descriptions, dates, stories, and more

Gone but not forgotten:

Alive and well:

Wizard and Felix

I do not recall much about these two bucks. They were dutch rabbits and maybe brothers. Felix, the smaller, was black and white. Wizard was a brown or brindle and white. I was very young (under 10) and knew nothing of rabbit care. My parents knew little and fed them pellets, carrots, and lettuce. They stuck the bucks together in a tiny cage with wire floors and wire front that was outside, about 2.5 feet by 1.5 feet. After a while, Wizard killed Felix. Wizard lived at least a few years but I do not think it was long.

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