Last Updated: 3/16/12
Videos on You Tube:
I bought a digital video recorder at the end of 2011 and set up a You Tube account. From now on, I will post videos over there instead of uploading them to my web site.
Videos on Fishpondinfo:
Here are some very short videos of my various animals, fish, and ponds. While the videos are short, it can take a long time to load them. If you have dial up like I do, forget it, sorry. Each video is a few seconds to half a minute at most.
On some systems, these videos may work, on others, maybe not.
If these videos do not work, try both Internet Explorer and Netscape and also try right clicking
and choosing "save target as" in Internet Explorer or "save link as" in Netscape and then opening
the file from inside the file explorer.
The first link is the actual video. Subsequent links are to additional HTML pages on those animals, fish, or ponds.
A few of the videos are stored on my other site, Pond Showcase due to lack of room on this site. They should still open up but a page saying file not found may come up for a few moments before the video kicks in.
To save room, I have now put the videos onto four different pages. Click on a category below.
Bird Videos - herons, chickens, cormorants, ducks, geese, and penguins.
Amphibian, Reptile, Crab, and Insect Videos - hermit crab, red-bellied turtle, gray tree frogs, wood frogs, stink bugs, and roaches.
Fish and Pond Videos - aquarium fish, pond fish, aquariums, crane fly larvae, and ponds.
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