Building a Bog
Plants for Bogs
Bog Links
I welcome input (text and photos) from others who have actually had bogs as I have not.
I wanted to at least mention bogs on Fishpondinfo but soon realized that there is a ton of information about them. I do not have time to research it all and write a lot but hopefully the links will get you started if you are interested in bogs.
Depending on the rainfall, size of the bog, and how fast it drains, you may have to add some water to the bog in the summer to prevent it from drying out completely. If your area gets very little rain, then few or no holes may be need in the liner. You want to keep the bog pond like a mud pit (or rather sphagnum pit) that is more wet when it rains but may dry down a little sometimes as well. How much the bog is a bog garden or a bog pond depends on how much water is over the soil and what kinds of plants that you want to keep.
Because of the organic nature of the bog, and the tendency of any pond to fill in over time, you may have to dig out your bog pond and refill it with fresh dirt (and put the plants back in) every couple of years to keep it in the best shape and reduce odors.
Mary sent me the following message on 12/8/06.
"...Check out www.blackjungle.com/bogsetup.htm for
good info on bog garden bowls. They would be very much like a real bog because you keep them
waterlogged and separate from the surrounding soil as they only like peat and sphagnum moss.
What's really cool is you can keep them outside all year as long as you sink the bowl in the
ground and cover with mulch in the fall. You can turn a whole plastic fishpond into a bog! I have
big ideas to try this but I must start small. Will send you the pic when I get it made and add to the
plants, I need to get pitcher plants too. If you get another Venus fly trap, this is the way to do it.
Once it is made, sounds really easy to take care of as long as you avoid salt buildup by filling and
draining with rainwater. They don't like clay pots because of the minerals; you have to use a
plastic container. I would love to see what people have done with these!"
Venus fly trap
Pitcher plants
Sundew plant
Bogs can also hold certain fruits if the conditions are right:
Garden Web Forum on Bog Gardens
Building a sphagnum bog garden
Turn wet land into spectacular bog garden
International Carnivorous Plants Society
Mean Plants - carnivorous plants
Pond Showcase - this is the bog page on my Pond Showcase site where people can show off their ponds. I need some bog entries so if you have a bog pond, add it to the Showcase.
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