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Last Updated: 2/21/14
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For pictures of many marginal plants, go to my pond pictures page.
Marginals = emergent vegetation = some bog plants (bog plants specifically prefer acidic soil)
Before reading this list, see the key, how to use and search this list, and how to contact the nurseries that are listed by visiting my plant list page.
For general information on marginal plants as well as details on some species of plants, visit my pond marginal page.
Please inform me of any mistakes on this or other of my web pages. This list is not even close to complete and only contains marginals found in the eight mentioned plant catalogs.
The marginals are in order of common name. To find a scientific name, use "search" or "find" on Netscape or similar program. You can also e-mail me, and I can search this page faster using WordPerfect.
Note that "full" under sun preference refers to full sun unless it states full shade.
Please note that I have not finished making the entries for Crystal Palace Perennial so that blanks in that column do not necessarily indicate that they do not carry that plant. I have entered in about one third of their hardy marginals. I do not think I will ever have the time to complete the list! The list IS complete (but without pricing) in the version found in Robyn's Pond Book. See this page for more information on the book.
Finally, I have had people ask to buy plants or pond equipment from me. I do not sell anything. I am not a business.
If you put the common names and scientific names into a search engine, you can find more information and photos on most of these plants.
Common Name | Latin Name | Type | Native to Eastern US? | Depth to Plant in Inches | Height of Plant in Feet | Zones | Sun Preference | Color(s) of Flowers | Price at Lilypons 2007 | Price at Aquamart 2007 | Price at MD Aquatic Nurseries 1997 | Price at Lilyblooms 1997 | Price at Paradise Water Gardens 2005 | Price at That Pet Place 1998 | Price at Crystal Palace Perennials 1999 | Did or do I have this plant? |
Alternanthera Green | Alternanthera Green | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Alternanthera Isabelle | Alternanthera Isabelle | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Alternanthera Elmie | Althernanthers Elmie | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Alternantera, mixed (water hedges) | Alternanthera bettzickiana, A. rosefolia, A. sessilis, A. variegata, and A. versicolor | marginal | 2.50 | No | ||||||||||||
Arrowhead | Sagittaria latifolia | marginal | Yes | 0 to 6 inches | 2 feet | 5+ | partial to full | white | No longer carry | 6.95 | 4.80 | 6.00 | 5.95 | Yes | ||
Arrowhead, Double Flower | Sagittaria japonica | marginal | No | 3 to 6 inches | 4+ | white | 7.45 | 10.00 | No | |||||||
Arrowhead, Narrow-Leaf | Sagittaria graminea | marginal | No | 2 feet | 4+ | light shade | 4.80 | No | ||||||||
Arrowhead, Silk Stockings | Sagittaria australia 'benni' | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 2 feet | 5 to 9 | partial to full | white | No longer carry | 12.99 | No | ||||||
Arum, Arrow or Water | Peltandra virginica | marginal | Yes | 0 to 6 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 5+ | partial to full | white | 9.00 | 6.45 | 6.60 | 7.00 | Yes | |||
Arum, Bog | Calla palustris | marginal | 12 inches | 3+ | partial shade | white | 6.10 | No | ||||||||
Baby's Breath, Water | Alisma subcordatum | marginal | 0 to 3 inches | 1 to 3 feet | 3+ | partial to full | white | 8.99 | No | |||||||
Bamboo, Dwarf (Water) | Dulichium arundinaceum | marginal | Yes | 0 to 4 inches | 1.5 to 3 feet | 5 or 6+ | shade to full sun | green | 10.00 | 6.10 | 6.10 | 6.00 | 6.95 | 8.99 | No | |
Bean, Bog | Menyanthes trifolia(ta) | marginal | Yes, endangered | .75 feet | 3+ | pinky white | 7.45 | 6.60 | 6.00 | 5.95 | Yes | |||||
Bullrush, Soft-Stemmed | Scirpus validus | marginal | 5 feet | 5+ | 10.00 | 4.40 | No | |||||||||
Bullrush, White | Scirpus lacustris 'Albescens' | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4 to 6 feet | 6+ | partial to full | black | 12.10 | 5.95 | No | ||||||
Bullrush, Zebra | Scirpus zebrinus | marginal | 2 to 6 feet | 9.00 | No | |||||||||||
Bush, Button | Cephalanthus occidentalis | marginal | 1 to 18 inches | 3 to 8 feet | 3 to 4+ | partial to full | white | 8.30 | 8.99 | No | ||||||
Butterfly Plant, Pink | Asclepias incarnata | marginal | 0 to 10 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 5+ | partial to full | pink | 7.20 | 8.99 | No but looks like common milkweed | ||||||
Butterfly Plant, White | Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet' | marginal | 0 to 5 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 5+ | partial to full | white | 8.99 | No | |||||||
Buttons, Golden | Cotula coronopifolia | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 10 inches | 4+ | partial to full | yellow | 3.95 | 6.99 | Yes | ||||||
Calla, Hardy | Calla | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 1 foot | partial full | white | Yes | |||||||||
Canna, Hardy Water or Thalia | Thalia dealbata | marginal | Yes | 0 to 12 inches | 6 to 10 feet (usually much smaller) | 6+ | partial to full | purple | 9.00 | No longer carry | 10.00 | Yes | ||||
Canna, Longwood | Canna longwood hybrids | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4 to 6 feet | 7+ | full | variety | 9.95 | 7.95 | 5.99 to 8.99 | No | |||||
Canna, Variegated | Canna americanalis variegata | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4 to 6 feet | 7+ | partial to full | red | 9.95 | 9.00 | No | ||||||
Cardinal Flower, Red | Lobelia cardinalis | marginal | 1 to 2 inches | 2 to 4 feet | 3+ | partial shade (mine does fine in full sun) | red | 5.05 | 5.50 | 7.00 | 5.95 | 7.99 | Yes | |||
Cattail, Common | Typha latifolia | invasive marginal | Yes | 0 to 12 inches | 6 to 7 feet | 2+ | partial to full | red/brown | 6.00 | 4.80 | 4.80 | 13.99 (for 3 plants) | Yes, grows like a weed | |||
Cattail, Dwarf | Typha minima | marginal | Yes | 0 to 4 inches | 1 to 3 feet | 3+ | partial to full | red/brown | No longer carry | 4.95 | 8.80 | 6.00 | 5.95 | Yes | ||
Cattail, Graceful | Typha laxmannii | marginal | 0 to 12 inches | 4 feet | 3+ | partial to full | brown | 6.00 | 7.20 | No | ||||||
Cattail, Narrow Leaf (or Graceful) | Typha augustifolia | marginal | Yes | 0 to 12 inches | 6 to 7 feet | 2+ | partial to full | red/brown | No longer carry | 4.50 | 4.80 | 5.95 | No | |||
Cattail, Variegated | Typha latifolia (Japanese variegated variety) | marginal | 9.50 | 10.00 | No | |||||||||||
Celery, Variegated Water or Rainbow Water | Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' | marginal | 1 to 2 feet | 6+ | 9.90 | 10.00 | 4.95 | Yes | ||||||||
Celery, Water (see here for more information | Oenanthe javanica | marginal | 1 to 2 feet | 6+ | white | 6.05 | 5.00 | 5.95 | Yes | |||||||
Chameleon Plant | Houttuynia cordata var. Var. | marginal | 0 to 12 inches | 1 foot | 6+ | partial to full | white | 5.25 | 5.00 | 6.00 | Yes | |||||
Chinese Water Chestnut | Eleocharis dulcis or A. tuberosa? | marginal | 0 to 12 inches | 3 feet | 7+ | partial to full | green | No longer carry | No longer sold | 6.60 | 4.95 | No | ||||
Clover, Cut Leaf Water | Marsilea spp. | marginal | 6 inches | 7+ | 6.10 | No | ||||||||||
Clover, Four Leaf | Marsilea quadrifolia | marginal with floating leaves | 3 to 12 inches | 0.5 to 1 foot | 5+ | None | 6.15 | 6.10 | 7.99 | Yes | ||||||
Clover, Four Leaf (different) | Marsilea drummondii | marginal | 6 inches | 7+ | 6.10 | 4.95 | Yes | |||||||||
Clover, Four Leaf (different) | Marsilea schelpiana | marginal | 4.95 | No | ||||||||||||
Clover, Four Leaf Variegated or Water | Marsilea mutica | marginal | 3 to 12 inches | 6 inches | 6+ | partial to full | none | 6.00 | 4.05 | 6.10 | 4.00 | 4.95 | Yes, grows like weed | |||
Clover, Trifolium | Marsilea Trifolium | marginal | 4.95 | No | ||||||||||||
Clover, Two Leaf Water | Regnellidum diphyllum | marginal | 6 inches | 7+ | 6.10 | No | ||||||||||
Cordgrass, Prairie | Spartina pectinata | marginal | 4 to 5 feet | 3+ | 6.10 | No | ||||||||||
Cordgrass, Prairie Variegated | Spartina pectinata 'Aureo...' | marginal | 4 to 5 feet | 3+ | 7.20 | No | ||||||||||
Cordgrass, Sand | Spartina bekeri | marginal | 3 to 4 feet | 7+ | 6.10 | No | ||||||||||
Creeping Jenny | Lysimachia nummularia | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 3 inches | 6+ | partial to full | yellow or orange | 6.00 | No longer carry | 7.99 | Yes | |||||
Crosima | Crosima lucifer | marginal | red | 6.95 | No | |||||||||||
Cypress, Bald | Taxodium distachium | tree | 4 to 8 feet | 4+ | 16.50 | No | ||||||||||
Equisetum, Dwarf (A Horsetail) | Equisetum diffusum | marginal | 6 inches | 7+ | 7.20 | No | ||||||||||
Fern, Marsh | Dryopteris thelypteris | marginal | 0 inches | 6 inches | 4+ | shade | 7.70 | No | ||||||||
Forget-Me-Not, Water | Myosotis scorpoides | marginal | 0 inches | 6 inches | 3+ | partial shade | 5.50 | 4.95 | No | |||||||
Forget-Me-Not, Water | Myosotis palustris | marginal | 0 to 3 inches | 6 inches | blue | 7.99 | Yes (not mail order) | |||||||||
Frog Fruit | Phyla nodiflora | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 4 inches | white with dark centers | Yes | ||||||||||
Golden Club | Orontium aquaticum | marginal | Yes | 0 to 6 inches | 1 foot | 6+ | shade to partial sun | white/yellow | 10.00 | No longer carry | 12.10 | 6.95 | Yes | |||
Grass, Cotton | Eriophorum angustifolium | marginal | 0 to 4 inches | one foot | 4+ | 7.20 | 6.95 | Yes | ||||||||
Grass, Ribbon | Phalaris arundinacea | marginal | 2 to 3 feet | 3+ | No longer carry | 5.00 | No | |||||||||
Grass, Umbrella or Hardy Umbrella Grass | Cyperus longus | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 2 to 4 feet | 4 to 5+ | partial to full | yellow/green | 5.00 | 8.99 | No | ||||||
Grass, Umbrella (different) | Cyperus alternifolius | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4 feet | 7+ | partial to full | green | 8.99 | No | |||||||
Grass, Variegated Manna | Glyceria aquatica 'Variegata' | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 1 foot | 4+ | partial to full | brown | No longer carry | 8.99 | No | ||||||
Hawthorne, Water | Aponogeton distachyus | marginal | 6 to 18 inches | 6+ | full | white | 9.90 | 6.95 | No | |||||||
Hibiscus, Swamp (or Water) | Hibiscus moschuetos | marginal | Yes | 0 to 3 inches | 4+ feet | 4 to 5+ | partial to full | white, red, or pink | 7.70 | 8.99 | No | |||||
Hibiscus, Water | Hibiscus palustris | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4+ feet | 5+ | partial to full | pink | 8.99 | No | |||||||
Houttuynia or Rainbow Plant | Houttuynia cordata | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 1 foot | 6+ | partial to full | white | 6.00 | 5.00 | 7.99 | Yes | |||||
Houttuynia Plena | Houttuynia cordata Plena | marginal | 6 to 8 inches | 6+ | 6.95 | No | ||||||||||
Lizard('s) Tail | Saururus cernuus | marginal | Yes | 0 to 5 inches | 2 feet | 4+ | partial to full | white | 6.00 | 6.25 | 5.50 | 6.95 | 7.99 | Yes | ||
Lobelia, Blue | Lobelia syphilitica | marginal | 0 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 4+ | blue | 6.95 | 5.50 | 6.95 | No | ||||||
Lobelia, Queen Victoria | Lobelia Queen Victoria | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria 'Morden...' | marginal | 3 feet | 3+ | red/purple | 4.40 | No | |||||||||
Loosestrife (different) | Lythrum salicaria 'Robert' | marginal | 3 feet | 3+ | pink | 4.40 | No | |||||||||
Mares tail | Hippuris vulgaris | marginal (like parrot feather) | 5.95 | Yes | ||||||||||||
Marsh Marigold or Cowslip | Caltha palustris | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 1 foot | 4+ | shade to partial sun | gold | 7.00 | 7.20 | 7.00 | 6.95 | 8.99 | Yes (always dies) | |||
Marsh Marigold, Double | Caltha palustris 'Plena' | marginal | 1 to 1.5 feet | 3+ | gold | 14.30 | No | |||||||||
Mint, Aquatic | Mentha aquatica | marginal | Yes | 0 to 3 inches | 6 to 12 inches | 4 to 6+ | partial to full | lilac (Lilypons says green) | 6.00 | 5.20 | 5.00 | 3.95 | 7.99 | Yes | ||
Mint, Curly | Mentha aquatica crispa | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 6 inches | 6+ | partial to full | No longer carry | No | ||||||||
Monkey flower, Allegheny or Lavendar Musk | Mimulus ringens | marginal | Yes (western US) | 0 to 4 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 3+ | partial shade | white and lavendar (small, snap dragon shaped) | 7.45 | 5.50 | No longer carry | Yes (bought at a local shop) | Nut Grass, Giant | Cyperus spp. | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4 feet | 4 to 8 | full sun | brown | 8.99 | No | Obidient Plant | None given | marginal | 1 to 2 feet | 4 to 8 | full sun | pink | 5.95 | No |
Orchid, Hardy | Bietilla striata | marginal | 0 inches | 1 foot | 7+ | partial shade | purple and pink | 7.70 | No | |||||||
Papyrus, Dwarf | Cyperus haspans | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 2 to 2.5 feet | 7+ | partial to full | 3.75 | No | ||||||||
Parrot('s) Feather (Photo, see here for more information) | Myriophyllum aquaticum | submerged, floating, and/or marginal | 4 to 12 inches | 0.5 to 2 feet (creeping) | 5 or 6+ | partial to full | green | 6.00 | 1.95 | 4.40 | 2.00 | 2.50 | .99 or 7.99 | Yes | ||
Parrot('s) Feather, Dwarf Red Stem | Myriophyllum sp. | submerged, floating, and/or marginal | 4 to 12 inches | 0.5 to 2 feet (creeping), smaller than regular parrot feather | 6+ | partial to full | green | 2.40 | 4.99 | Yes | ||||||
Pennywort or Dollar Weed | Hydrocotyle verticillata | marginal | 0 to 3 inches | 6 inches | 5+ | partial to full | yellow or green | 6.00 | 5.00 | 5.50 | 7.99 | Yes | ||||
Pennywort, Bulls Eye | Hydrocotyle ranunculoides | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4 to 6 inches | 5+ | partial to full | green | 8.99 | No | |||||||
Pennywort, 'Crystal Confetti' (looks variegated) | Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 1 inch | 6+ | partial to full | 6.99 | No | ||||||||
Pennywort, Giant | Hydrocotyle bonariensis | marginal | 0 to 4 inches | 4 to 6 inches | 6+ | partial to full | white | 6.99 | No | |||||||
Pennywort, Giant Floating | Hydrocotyle umbellata | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 4 to 10 inches | 5+ | partial to full | green | 8.99 | No | |||||||
Pennywort, Hairy | Hydrocotyle americana | marginal | 0 to 4 inches | 2 to 4 inches | 7+ | partial to full | white | 6.99 | No | |||||||
Pennywort, 'Little Umbrellas' | Hydrocotyle spp. | marginal | 0 to 4 inches | 2 to 4 inches | 5+ | partial to full | green | 6.99 | No | |||||||
Pennywort, Mini | Hydrocotyle lemnoides | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 0.5 inches | 7+ | partial to full | 7.99 (misspelled H. lumnoides) | 6.99 | No | |||||||
Pink Cups, Siberian | Baldellia ranunculoidesf. repens | marginal | 0 to 0.5 inches | 2 to 10 inches | 2 to 7 | partial to full | pink | 6.99 | Yes | |||||||
Plantain, Water | Alisma plantago aquatica | marginal | 2 to 4 inches | 2.5 feet | 5+ | partial to full | pink/white | No longer carry | 5.50 | 4.95 | Yes | |||||
Primrose Creeper | Ludwigia repens | marginal | Yes | 1 to 4 inches | 5+ | partial to full | yellow | No longer carry | 4.94 | Yes, grows like a super weed | ||||||
Primrose Creeper, White | Ludwegia adsendens | marginal | white | 6.95 | No, may buy soon | |||||||||||
Purslane, Water | Bacopa monnieri | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 2 to 4 inches | 6+ | shade to full | white | 6.99 | No | |||||||
Reed, Giant | Arundo donax | marginal | 0 to 5 inches | 8 to 12 feet | 5+ | partial to full | silver | 8.99 | No | |||||||
Reed, Golden | Pharagmites australis aurea | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 4 feet | 4+ | partial to full | green | 9.00 | 5.95 | No | ||||||
Reed, Variegated Common | Phragmites australis 'Candy...' | marginal | 4 to 5 feet | 5+ | 11.00 | No | ||||||||||
Reed, Variegated Dwarf Common | Phragmites australis aurea | marginal | 3 to 4 feet | 5+ | 8.80 | No | ||||||||||
Reed, Variegated Mediterranean or Variegated Giant | Arundo donax 'Variegata' | marginal | 0 to 3 inches | 3 to 10 feet | 5+ (Paradise says it is tropical) | 8.99 | No | |||||||||
Rice, Perennnial | Zizania latifolia | marginal | 4 feet | 5+ | 6.10 | No | ||||||||||
Rosemallow, Scarlet (hibiscus) | Hibiscus coccineus | marginal | 6 to 8 feet | 7+ | 8.80 | No | ||||||||||
Rush, ? | Juncus inflexus | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Rush, Blue | Juncus glauca | marginal | 1 to 2 feet | 5+ | 5.95 | 6.60 | No | |||||||||
Rush, Common | Juncus effusus | marginal | Yes | 1 to 6 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 5+ | ivory yellow | 4.40 | Yes | |||||||
Rush, Common Three Square | Scirpus americanus | marginal | Yes | 3 feet | 5+ | 3.90 | No | |||||||||
Rush, Corkscrew or Spiral | Juncus effusus 'Spiralis' | marginal | 1 foot | 5+ | yellow | 6.05 | 13.20 | 6.50 | 7.99 | No | ||||||
Rush, Dwarf Horsetail | Equisetum scirpoides | marginal | Yes | 0 to 1 inches | 8 inches | 4+ | partial to full | green | 7.99 | No | ||||||
Rush, Flat Bladed | Juncus macrophyllus | marginal | 1 foot | 5+ | 6.60 | No | ||||||||||
Rush, Flowering | Butomus umbellatus | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 2 to 3 feet | 3 to 6+ | light shade | pink | 6.45 | 6.10 | 5.95 | 8.99 | No | ||||
Rush, Horsetail | Equisetum hyemale | marginal | Yes | 0 to 8 inches | 1.5 to 3 feet | 3 to 4+ | partial to full | green | 9.00 | 6.45 | 7.20 | 6.95 | 8.99 | Yes | Rush, Miniature | Eleocharis spp. | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 2 inches (creeper) | 7+ | partial to full | 6.99 | No |
Rush, Pink Pickerel | Pontederia cordata something | marginal | 0 to 12 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 6+ | partial to full | pink | 6.95 | No | |||||||
Rush, Purple Pickerel | Pontederia cordata | marginal | Yes | 0 to 12 inches | 2 to 3 feet | 3+ | partial to full | purple | 6.00 | 6.05 | 5.50 | 6.00 | 5.95 | 13.99 (for 2 plants) | Yes | Rush, Water Horsetail | Equisetum fluviatile | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 2 feet | 4+ | shade to full sun | 8.99 | No | Rush, White | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 2 to 6 feet | 5 to 9 | full sun | 7.45 | 8.99 | No |
Rush, White Pickerel | Pontederia cordata alba | marginal | Yes | 0 to 12 inches | 1 to 3 feet | 3+ | partial to full | white | 6.00 | 6.45 | 6.60 | 4.95 | Yes (bought one in 1997 but bloomed purple so they sent wrong plant!; bought a new one in 2001 which died) | |||
Rush, Spike or Spiked | Eleocharis montevidensis | marginal | Yes | 0 to 2 inches | 1 foot | 3 to 6+ | partial to full | brown | 9.00 | No longer sold | 5.50 | 7.00 | 6.99 | Yes (wild) | ||
Rush, Spike Variegated | Eleocharis dulcis variegata | marginal | 6.95 | No | ||||||||||||
Rush, Square | Eleocharis quadrangulata | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 2 feet | 4+ | partial to full | green | 6.00 | No | |||||||
Rush, Variegated Striped or Golden Spears | Baumea rubiginosa('Variegata') | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 2 feet | 6+ | partial to full | 7.00 | 9.90 | 8.99 | No | ||||||
Rush, Zebra | Scirpus tab. zebrinus | marginal | 0 to 1 inches | 2 to 4 feet | 5+ | shade to partial sun | brown | 9.00 | 6.45 | 8.80 | 5.95 | 13.99 (for 3 plants) | Yes | |||
Sagittaria | Sagittaria spp. | marginal | Yes | 0 to 12 inches | 2 feet | 4+ | partial to full | white | 6.00 | No | ||||||
Sagittaria, "Crushed Ice" | Sagittaria graminea | marginal | No | 2 to 6 inches | 15 inches to 2 feet | 5+ | partial to full | white | 6.25 | 6.95 | No | |||||
Sagittaria, Giant or Red Stem(med) | Sagittaria lancifolia (form ruminoides) | marginal | Yes | 0 to 6 inches | 4 to 5 feet | 5 to 8+ (another catalog says 8-11!) | partial to full | white | No longer carry | 3.50 | No | |||||
Samolis parvaflorus | Samolis parvaflorus | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Sedge, Black Flowering | Carex nigra | marginal | 2 feet | 5+ | black | 6.00 (may not be same species) | 6.10 | No | ||||||||
Sedge, Blue | Carex flacca (formerly C. glauca) | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 6 to 12 inches | 5+ | sun to shade | 8.99 | No | ||||||||
Sedge, Inflated Tassel | Carex fascicularis | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 2 feet | 6+ | sun to shade | 8.99 | No | ||||||||
Sedge, Palm | Carex muskingumensis | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 12 to 18 inches | 4+ | sun to shade | 8.99 | No | ||||||||
Sedge, Variegated | Carex riparia 'Variegata' | marginal | 2 feet | 5+ | black | 12.10 | No | |||||||||
Sedge, Variegated Blue | Carex flacca 'Bias' | marginal | 0 to 1 inch | 6 to 12 inches | 5+ | sun to shade | 8.99 | No | ||||||||
Sedge, Variegated Japanese | Morrowii aureo varigata | marginal | 1 foot | 5.95 | No | |||||||||||
Spearwort, Miniature | Rannunculus flammula | marginal | 1 foot | 5+ | yellow | 6.10 | No | |||||||||
Spiderwort | Tradescantia ohiensis | marginal | 0 to 2 inches | 2 feet | 5+ | partial to full | blue | No longer carry | Yes | |||||||
Stachy palustris | Stachy palustris | 7.99 | No | |||||||||||||
Sweetflag, Golden Japanese or Dwarf Golden Sweetflag | Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' | marginal | 0 to 3 inches | 8 to 18 inches | 5+ | partial to full | green | No longer carry | 8.99 | Yes | ||||||
Sweetflag, Green (sweetflag may be two words, "sweet flag") | Acorus calamus | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 2.5 feet | 4+ | partial to full | green | 6.00 | No longer carry | 5.00 | 13.99 (for 3 plants) | 8.99 | Yes | |||
Sweetflag, unknown type | Acorus G.(may stand for gramineusPusillus | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Sweetflag, unknown type | Acorus Oborizuki | marginal | 7.99 | No | ||||||||||||
Sweetflag, Variegated | Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 2.5 feet | 4+ | partial to full | green | 10.00 | 6.00 | 11.00 | 7.00 | 6.95 | 8.99 | Yes | ||
Sweetflag, Variegated Dwarf or Japanese | Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 1 foot | 4-5+ | partial to full | green | 6.00 | 5.95 | 8.99 | No | Sword, 'Marble Queen' Melon | Echinodorus cordifolius 'Marble Queen' | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 18 to 30 inches | 5+ | partial to full shade | white | 8.99 | No | Sword, Melon | Echinodorus cordifolius | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 18 to 30 inches | 5+ | partial to full sun | white | 8.99 | No |
Temple Plant | Nomophila stricta | marginal | blue | 2.50 | No | |||||||||||
Veronica Beckabunga | Veronica Beckabunga | marginal | blue | 7.99 | No | |||||||||||
Watercress (see here for more information) | Nasturtium officinale (One source says N. offinale) | marginal | Yes | 0 to 6 inches | 1 foot | 4+ | partial shade | white | 5.50 | Yes (from grocery store) | ||||||
Willow, Primrose | Ludwigia longiflolia | marginal | 2 to 3 feet | yellow | 6.95 | No | ||||||||||
Wisteria, Water | Synnema triflorum | marginal | blue | 2.50 | Yes | |||||||||||
Wedelia | Wedelia | marginal or damp soil | yellow (Zinnia like) | 3.95 | No | |||||||||||
Willow, Water | Justicia americana | marginal | 0 to 6 inches | 1 to 2 feet | 4 to 11 | partial to full | purple and white | 8.99 | Yes |
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