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Last Updated: 1/24/14
These are general photos of my 1800 gallon pond.
Big Pond Photos of the Pond and Plants:
Fall 2008
Summer 2008
Spring 2008
Fall 2007
Summer 2007
Spring 2007
Fall 2006
Summer 2006
Spring 2006
Fall 2005
Summer 2005
Spring 2005
Fall 2004
Summer 2004
Spring 2004
Summer 2003
Spring 2003
Summer 2002
Spring 2002
Summer 2001
Spring 2001
June 2000
May 2000
Summer 1999
May 1999
Summer 1998
Summer 1997
For more general information on these photos, see my pond pictures page index.
For photos of this pond that are predominantly fish (but also show the pond), see my fish pond photos page.
For winter photos of the 1800 gallon pond, see the winter photo page.
Photos are listed from newest to oldest.
Big Pond Photos of the Pond and Plants
I took all these photos on 10/5/08, the day I put the leaf net on. The first three photos are taken
with the net totally off while the next three are with the net on from the same photo
Pond facing southwest, net off.
Pond facing west, net off. The koi, orfe, and
goldfish are visible.
Pond facing north, net off.
Pond facing southwest, net on.
Pond facing west, net on. Colin (white koi)
can be seen.
Pond facing north, net on.
These photos are from 9/3/08:
Yellow tropical canna in flower - with two
of flowers!
Pond north end, facing northwest; my koi,
Maggie and Colin, can be seen under the net. The impatiens are blooming in the floating
I took these photos on 8/3/08:
Tropical waterlily flower
Yellow tropical canna in flower - facing
Yellow tropical canna in flower - close-up of
Yellow tropical canna in flower - marginal
area, facing
southwest, further back
On 7/27/08, I took photos of the pond from the roof. I also took some yard photos which I would
not normally include here but, since they were also taken from the roof, I did. I have full size
versions of four of the photos (they will take a while to load). Otherwise, the photos are smaller
than the screen.
Front yard
Front yard
Back yard - note the small pond area (153 gallon
brick pond, 50 gallon tub pond, and 20 gallon tub pond are there but hidden in weeds), bird
feeders, and bat house
Pond - centered view, Full size version
Pond - offset to the left, Full size version
Pond - offset to the right, Full size version
Pond - centered view, Full size version
Pond - zoomed in with the camera, my koi
Maggie is at the bottom and my koi Colin at the top
These two photos from 7/4/08 show my new tropical water lily in bloom:
Pond - facing southwest; you can see the
flowering lily and also a good view of my white butterfly koi, Colin.
Close-up of lily flower
These photos are from 6/29/08:
Firecrest waterlily flower - a little pink
Flowering lizard tail - also some purple
Flowering purple pickerel rush
Flowering white pickerel rush
Marginal area and pond view, facing north;
the above three plants in bloom
These photos are from 6/21/08:
Yellowing-flowering watercress - This
new bunch of watercress turned out yellow!
White-flowering watercress - Regular
watercress in flower.
Water celery - severely damaged by the
Marginals in bloom - blue pickerel rush,
white pickerel rush, and lizard tail all in bloom in the marginal area.
Marginals in bloom - blue pickerel rush,
white pickerel rush, and lizard tail all in bloom in the marginal area, facing north.
Flowering blue water forget-me-nots - the
leaves are mostly frog fruit.
Flowering Albata waterlilies - two white
waterlily blooms.
More photos of the water iris from 6/5/08:
Purple and Red Iris
Close-up of Purple Iris
Purple and Red Iris
Here are some photos of the water iris taken 6/1/08:
Red (Iris fulva, right) and Yellow
(left) Flag Iris - the purple iris bud can also be seen
Close- up of the Red Iris
These photos are all from 5/19/08:
Pond - facing southwest, iris in bloom; my
white koi, Colin, and one of the big orfe can be seen on the right.
Hill next to waterfall and biofilter showing
Pond - facing southwest, iris in bloom
Water hawthorne (left) and golden club (right)
Yellow flag iris flower
Pond facing north, waterfall area
On 4/29/08, a helper and I repotted 26 marginals in the pond. The iris were not repotted. Here
are some before and after photos:
Marginals - facing southwest, before
Marginals - facing northwest, before; you
can see some of the fish including my orange koi, Maggie
Marginals - facing southwest, after
Marginals - facing northwest, after
These three pictures are from 4/27/08:
Golden Club in flower
Golden Club flower - close-up
Marginal area - facing southwest
Here are some photos from 4/13/08 before and after I cleaned the pond up some as the goldfish
had been spawning.
Pond facing southwest with the net off. See
the loose iris and general frenzy of the fish.
Pond facing north with the net off. See the
loose iris again. The waterfall is almost just a drizzle.
Pond facing southwest after cleaning and
installation of the Cyprio filter. The partial net is on.
Pond facing north after cleaning. The partial
net is on, and the falls are flowing more.
There are two videos from that day on my fish videos
On 11/11/07, I cut down the marginals in the 1800 gallon pond for the coming winter and took
some before and after photos. I also removed leaves off the net which I do weekly in the
Pond - netted, facing southwest, before
Pond - net off the marginals, facing
northwest, before
Pond - net off the marginals, facing
northwest, after
Pond - netted, facing southwest, after
On 9/8/07, I took these two photos.
Flowering white pickerel weed - fully
Water lettuce covering the pond - there is
water celery at the top of the photo and the floating impatiens at the bottom.
After getting these two plants at Lilypons on 9/2/07, I took these two photos on 9/4/07:
Flowering white pickerel weed - just
starting to open
Flowering yellow primrose creeper
Pond on 8/18/07, facing southwest. The hardy canna is blooming (upper left tall things). You cannot miss seeing the water lettuce as it covers almost the entire pond.
The first photo is of the entire 1800 gallon pond on 7/28/07. The next two photos are of an open
yellow "Comanche" hardy water lily and an open "blue beauty" tropical water lily as well as a
bud on 7/28/07.
Pond - facing southwest, note the water
lily flowers and the flowering impatiens in the floating island. The water lettuce had grown to
cover most of the pond by then.
Waterlilies close-up
Waterlilies close-up
On 6/29/07, I took this close-up photo of some water lettuce plants.
Water Lettuce. There are also some water
hyacinth plants on the right and snowflake plants on the left.
I took these photos of the 1800 gallon pond and pond plants on 6/28/07.
Yellow Snowflake Flower
The Impatiens Floating Island . The fish
can also barely be seen due to reflections, under the net.
Albata White Lily Flower
Fruit Fruit Flower and Leaves
Water Celery in the waterfalls, facing
northeast. The deer have chewed most of the water celery down.
Pond - facing south, looking towards the
marginal area. The just-about-to-flower hardy canna (also called alligator weed) are the highest
plants. A few Albata white flowers are in bloom.
Here are some 1800 gallon pond plant photos from 6/24/07 that I took while I was in the
Flowering Lizard Tail
Flowering Purple Pickerel Weed
Close-up of flowering Fabiola pink waterlily
- this is the same photo as below, the next day.
Fabiola waterlily flower on 6/23/07 through
the net, taken from the east side of the pond.
Fabiola waterlily flower on 6/23/07 through
the net, taken from the west side of the pond.
Marginal area on 6/23/07. This photo was to
show how the regular cattails and hardy water canna keep toppling over. At the bottom of the
photo can be seen what remains of the yellow flag iris that grew in the overflow area after I
chopped them down after flowering to try to reduce the chance that they might puncture the liner
as they are growing wild in there.
These three photos are not of the 1800 gallon pond. They are of iris that I transplanted from my
1800 gallon pond pots over to a low lying area in the front of the property. When I repotted the
iris, I had a lot to get rid of and used to dig them into the ground out there. When it rains, that
area floods but otherwise, it is dry. This last month, there has been a drought and yet the iris
flowered well. The yellow flag iris in the back of the third photo have just finished flowering. I
was surprised to discover a red fulva iris flower here on 6/2/07. The original plant in the pond
died a few years ago so this was a nice surprise. I actually bought a new one this year but now it
looks like I could dig some of this one up if I wanted to (probably will not).
Red fulva iris flower - close-up
Red fulva iris flower - close-up
Iris bed from further away
These three photos are from 5/26/07:
Pond facing southwest. You can see the
Cyprio filter, yellow flag iris in bloom, blue water forget-me-nots in bloom, and the fish.
Pond facing northwest over the marginal
area with the blooming yellow flag iris.
Orange standard iris with the pond and
fish behind them. Those iris are one of my favorites. You can also see the pond's electrical
I also took two pond videos on this day which you can see on my fish and pond videos page.
I took these photos on 4/29/07 of the pond and the garden around it since I had just mulched a lot
of it:
Pond facing southwest. You cannot really
see much of the pond. The red bud tree is in bloom.
Pond facing west.
Pond facing northeast
Pond facing northeast (further back)
Pond facing northeast (closer in). You can
see the koi, goldfish, and water celery in the waterfall.
Pond netted and facing southwest, 12/1/06. When I went to get the digital photos on the camera, I found this photo that my father took.
Nora tropical waterlily flower on 9/27/06.
Bluebell flower on 8/31/06.
Pond facing northwest on 8/31/06. You can
see that there are no floating plants this year since they died for some unknown reason. Also,
can see my orfe, koi Colin, goldfish, impatiens, and a blue waterlily flower.
Pond - same sort of photo as the last
There are 16 pond and iris photos on my page that has details of my repotting three iris on 9/4/06.
Hardy canna flower on 8/6/06. This is a close-
up of one of the hardy canna flower heads. You can just make out the "Beware of attack
goldfish" sign behind it that my mother had to buy.
Four tropical waterlily flowers on 8/6/06. In
this early morning photo, you can see four of my pink/white tropical nightblooming lily flowers
are open. At the bottom is a Chromatella yellow hardy waterlily flower that has not yet opened
for the day.
Waterlilies - A Comanche hardy waterlily
flower at the top and a Nora tropical waterlily flower, taken 7/22/06.
Nora tropical waterlily flower - close-up,
Waterfall spillway on 7/13/06. This area was
full of water celery where the waterfall comes out. You can see the deer ate most of the water
The flowering impatiens under the net and
in the floating island on 7/13/06.
Two frogfruit flowers on 7/13/06. Below
that is some duckweed and water forget-me-nots (not in flower).
Plants in the marginal area on 7/13/06
including dwarf papyrus (middle), variegated sweetflag (top left), and pickerel rush with one
flower (left).
Water plantain flowers on 7/13/06. Behind
that is hardy canna, iris, and lots of other plants.
Big pond facing west on 7/9/06. You can see my
koi Maggie coming out from behind the water hyacinth, blooming impatiens in the floating
island, and one Comanche lily flower.
Big pond facing west on 7/9/06. This is just a
closer view of the last photo.
White iris flowering on 5/27/06. This was
supposed to be a black gamecock iris!
Colorific iris flowering on 5/27/06.
Shallows at the south end of the pond on
5/27/06. This is where the American yellow lotus is in the big pot and where the raccoons keep
making a mess, and the goldfish keep spawning and making a mess. The bottom right plant is
pickeral rush, the lotus is in the middle, water plantain is on the left, the far right is variegated
sweetflag, to the left of that is cotton grass, and to the left of that is dwarf cattail.
Yellow flag iris and forget-me-nots
flowering on 5/25/06, close-up.
Yellow flag iris and forget-me-nots
flowering on 5/25/06.
Pond facing south with flowering yellow
flag iris and forget-me-nots on 5/25/06. You can also see my koi, Maggie at the bottom left
along with some goldfish.
Pond facing north on 4/30/06.
On 4/19/06, I took five photos of the garden around the 1800 gallon pond. The pond can be seen in the photos as well. They are on my terrestrial gardens page.
Pond on 3/26/06 facing southwest. You can see all three remaining orfe.
Hair algae in the little stream on 3/9/06.
Hair algae in the stream outflow (mini pond)
on 3/9/06.
Pond facing north on 11/24/05.
Pond facing northwest on 11/24/05.
Pond full of water lettuce on 8/7/05, facing
west. The net is pulled back. Note that the digital camera date stamp is day/month/year while
I use month/day/year notations in my life.
Pond full of water lettuce on 8/7/05, facing
northwest. Wow!
Lizard tail in bloom as well as pickerel weed in
bloom on 6/26/05.
Lizard tail in bloom, larger view of the pond,
facing north, 6/26/05.
Fabiola lily flower in bloom on
Submerged plant pots and protectors on 6/26/05
in the deep end. The tops collapse in instead of float and fish get stuck in them.
Lily pads and flowers on 6/26/05, facing west.
There are four waterlily flowers. From the top, they are 1 Albata, 1 Fabiola, and 2
Lily pads and flowers on 6/26/05, facing west,
net pulled back, farther away view than the last photo (but taken before that one as these are in
reverse chronological order).
On 6/19/05, I awoke to find my 1800 gallon pond was pumped down to only a few hundred
gallons thanks to the neighbor's Neopolitan mastiff who moved some of the waterfall rocks to
divert water out of the pond the day before without my noticing. I took these photos of the pond
after I had put in about 30 minutes worth of well water but the pond is still very low.
Dry marginal area
Dry marginal area
Dry pond facing west, lilies flopped over, liner
Dry deep area, facing northwest
Dry mid-marginal area, facing east
Pond from down the hill, facing east towards the house, 6/14/05. You cannot see the water but this is just to show a view I have not taken a photo of before.
Pond overflow facing northeast, 6/14/05. Invasive grass has grown up among the rocks. I wish I had time to do all that weeding!
Pond facing northeast, 6/14/05. You can see the fish under the net, water celery on the left, and waterlily leaves on the right.
Forget-me-nots in bloom on 5/27/05 in the
Yellow flag iris in bloom as well as some
me-nots in the overflow on 5/27/05.
Marginal area of the pond, facing west,
Cyprio filter, yellow flag iris in bloom, etc., 5/27/05.
Entire pond facing southwest; water cannot
be seen
but this shows plants in and around the pond, 5/27/05.
Pond facing north on 4/5/05, larger photo than I usually have on my site. The net is to keep the herons out.
These five photos are sequential over one Sunday's work:
Leaves all over the net with the east side pulled
back, facing west, filter basket with floss is out on the right with two buckets, leaves all over the
net, 11/7/04.
Filter floss inside the plant basket used to hold
main pump, only the inner ring of floss is in there (the rest I pulled out); this is before squirting
off, 11/7/04.
Pile of water hyacinth and leaves next to my pond
on 11/7/04, facing northwest.
Marginal area of the big pond after I cut down the
marginals, 11/7/04, facing west.
Leaves off the net after a lot of work on
11/7/04, the pond cleared of most plants.
Leaves on the net of the 1800 gallon pond on 10/31/04, facing south.
Flowering tropical tiger canna on 10/3/04.
Pond facing west on 10/3/04, nets off as
I changed from heron to leaf net.
Pond facing south on 10/3/04, marginal
Pond facing north on 10/3/04, water
hyacinth covering the deep end, water celery covering the falls.
On 9/10/04, I repotted my yellow flag iris. Here are five photos of the process. I am sorry that
they are so dark. They are scanned regular photos since the digital camera/camcorder had a dead
battery that day.
Pond facing southwest before repotting.
Pond facing southwest with a pile of iris. That is
all from ONE plant! One can see the Cyprio filter and the electrical outlet.
Pond facing southwest with the pile of iris.
Iris monster - this is the 2 gallon pot that the iris
was planted in with the surrounding overgrown root mass ball after I cut all the tops and side
growths off of the plant. It is upside down in the wheel barrow.
Pond facing southwest after the repotting was
Frogfruit in flower in the overflow on 8/9/04. One cute flower is
open and another is budding. You can see the leaves too.
Pickerel weed flower with a Japanese beetle on it on 8/8/04.
Directly down and to the left of the beetle, there is actually a bumble bee but it is moving so fast
that it is barely discernable!
Pond with flowering pickerel weed and other marginals (like
cattails with catkins) facing northwest on 8/8/04.
Entire Pond facing south on 7/28/04, includes the net.
Entire Pond facing west on 7/11/04, includes the net to keep the
heron out.
Chromatella lily flower - yellow waterlily flower on 7/11/04.
Watercress flowers close-up - 5/21/04.
Forget-me-nots in bloom with a yellow flag iris in bloom in the
overflow as well on 5/21/04.
Water celery and watercress in the falls on
Pond overflow plus some of the marginal area,
facing southeast, can see the fishing lines to try to deter the herons, 5/21/04.
Pond overflow plus some of the marginal area
and more of the pond,
facing south; you can see my koi, Maggie, and the fishing lines to try to deter the herons,
Entire Pond - 5/13/04, facing south.
Entire Pond - 5/13/04, facing north towards the falls.
Entire Pond - 5/13/04, facing southwest and showing some of
the land iris in bloom.
Entire Pond - 4/28/04, facing west, red bud tree in bloom, net on
pond (to keep herons out), area around pond newly mulched, 20 gllon pond off to the left,
filter on left side of pond.
Tropical waterlily tubers - pulled from their pot
on 11/9/03 for overwintering in sand.
Pond facing west, full of plants, 7/26/03.
Chromatella lily flowers on 7/20/03. These yellow flowers were
with me squatting in the deep end of the pond to get a side shot.
Pond facing south, standing at the top of the falls, pond full of
plants, 7/20/03.
Fabiola lily - pink waterlily flower on 6/28/03.
Albata lily - white waterlily flower on 6/28/03.
Pond facing south on 6/23/03, lots of watercress
in the foreground in the waterfall.
Pond facing north, 6/23/03, waterfalls full of
watercress on the right and water celery on the left.
Forget-me-not flowers on 5/22/03 in the 1800 gallon pond
Pond facing south on 5/22/03. See the water celery and the
water lily leaves.
Pond facing west on 4/24/03, newly mulched!
Panoramic pond photo facing north, 4/21/03, scanned photo. You
cannot even
see the water but get a feel for the entire area.
Bog bean flowers on 4/21/03.
Lilies out of the pond for repotting in April of
Small portion of the waterfall in April of 2003.
Main falls in April of 2003; water having a spring algae bloom.
Pond facing NW on 9/21/02. See the new heron, the waterfall, and
tons of water lettuce.
Pond facing NE on 9/21/02. Imagine you walked around the
Pond facing SE into the marginals which appear smaller then they
are on 9/21/02. You can use this photo and the previous two to imagine walking around the
in September.
Pond Cake that my mother had made for my 30th birthday party on
9/15/02. It is supposed to look like my pond and has gummy frogs and goldfish and candy lilies
and green blobs.
Pond facing South on 8/25/02.
Pond facing South-South-West on 8/25/02. See the reflections of
the water off of the water in the waterfalls and the tons of water lettuce.
Pond facing Southwest on 8/1/02.
Tropical night-blooming lily on 8/1/02. Here
is the pink/white
tropical night-blooming lily almost ready to close at dawn after its second bloom night. The
week after this photo was taken, four of 7these opened at once!
Water hyacinth flower on 6/22/02. The flower
only lasts one day. This
is a close-up of the hyacinths in the next photo.
Water hyacinths in hoop on 6/22/02.
Flowering purple pickerel weed on 6/17/02.
Pond facing Southwest with water lilies, sweet flag, lotus leaves,
flowering hardy canna, and the Cyprio filter on the left, 6/17/02.
Three hardy canna flowers taken 6/17/02. See the same flowers
(Thalia dealbata) from far away in the above photo.
Waterfall on 5/27/02. Facing Northeast,
the waterfall is full of
watercress. Some fish can be seen in the water to the right.
Water forget-me-not in the overflow area, blooming on
Pond in background on 3/26/02. My cat, Gino, was the focus of the photo but one can see the pond through the window on the left.
Cyprio filter and pickerel rush on 9/29/01, facing east. Blue pickerel
weed/rush/plant flowers are on the left and white pickerel flowers are on the right.
Biofilter at the head of the falls on 9/29/01, facing east.
Waterfall on 9/29/01, facing northeast,
impatiens flowering in the water.
Water Lilies on 9/8/01, facing west, two pink/white tropical night-
blooming lily flowers in the middle, two yellow Chromatella hardy lily flowers at the bottom,
one orange Comanche hardy lily flower at the top.
Entire Pond on 8/20/01, facing west; notice the impatiens in the
Entire Pond on 8/20/01, facing north; notice the impatiens in the
Tropical lily flower on 8/14/01.
Pond on 7/14/01, facing southwest.
Lotus flower in June 2001 in main pond, unknown variety (they sold
me the wrong one!).
Pond on 6/3/01, facing west.
Pond and Waterfall on 6/3/01, facing north,
watercress blooming
on the waterfall and water celery on the left of the waterfall.
Colorific iris flower on 5/29/01 (not added to
web site until 9/4/02 since it was on an old roll of film). This flower is a real beauty!
Entire pond on 5/27/01; my brother took this photo from the roof so it is
an aerial view! The west end is at the top.
Pond on 4/30/01 including the weeping cherry, facing north.
Pond on 4/22/01. The weeping cherry tree is in
full flower. It is so beautiful! The pond does not look great yet but you can see the water celery
growing well. My cat, Samantha, is strolling around at the
bottom right of the photo.
Feeding Sequence June 2000, these photos are in sequential order during feeding time, you can watch the movements of the fish about 10 seconds apart:
Pond, watercress dying back, iris recovering from severe hail storm,
Cyprio filter on upper left, bright day, 6/18/00.
Feeding time, next photo after above photo as I approach for evening
feeding, fish stir the surface, parrot feather at the bottom, feeding ring on the right, 6/18/00.
Fish, fish going crazy for food, the two orfe in
the photo are marked,
Fish, fish continue going crazy, the orfe, my
butterfly koi Maggie, and
my comet Jill (who with Jack are the oldest fish in the pond) are marked, 6/18/00.
Fish, fish tiring of waiting (I fed them right
after the photo), orfe,
fantail, koi Maggie, koi Colin, two shubunkins (their baby Bunky is also in the photo but was
hard to mark, she is on top of Colin), Sarassa comet, Jill, and a comet with dropsy (for almost a
year) are marked, most small fish seen are yearling goldfish, 6/18/00.
Iris, purple water iris, yellow flag iris in bloom, lilies in background, it
was raining, sweet f¼ag on the right, 5/23/00.
Water Forget-Me-Not, flowering blue forget-me-not with some wild
water grass mixed in and water clover in the upper left, in the overflow area, 5/23/00.
Watercress, waterfall with flowering
watercress, biofilter at upper left,
electrical outlet at upper right, facing northeast, 5/23/00.
Parrot Feather, closeup, 5/23/00.
Watercress, watercress flowers, 5/23/00.
Pond facing south, watercress blooming on
waterfall, parrot feather on the right, Cyprio filter visible at the far end, 5/23/00.
Entire Pond view from inside the house, shows watercress in waterfall,
parrot feather in upper right, lilies, lotus, iris, rocks, etc.; facing west, 7/3/99.
Plant overload showing watercress in the
foreground along with parrot
feather on the right and water hyacinth and lilies in the main part of the pond, taken facing
Watercress overloading the waterfall, biofilter at
the top, parrot feather at the bottom, facing northeast, 8/11/99.
Plant overload showing watercress on the
waterfall, parrot feather on the left, water hyacinth in the middle, and lilies at the bottom, facing
north, slightly east, 8/11/99.
Lilies including William Falconer (red), Fabiola (pink), Comanche
(orange, at top), and Albata (white), 5/31/99.
Iris also shows location of supplemental filter, bench, 20 gallon tub
pond, and house in relation to the pond (only photo that shows those things I belive, facing east,
Iris up close, hose filling pond, aerator next to it (black box), ring with
salvinia, lilies just sprouting, 5/31/99.
Lilies including William Falconer (red), Fabiola (pink), Comanche
(orange at top), and Albata (white), 5/31/99.
Waterfall facing North, 5/28/99.
William Falconer Lily, 5/28/99.
Watercress in bloom on the waterfall (hard to
the white flowers), 5/28/99.
Parrot Feather in the waterfall overflow area, facing south,
Waterfall view looking from the biofilter down
into the salvinia and
water hyacinth covered deep end, 9/19/98.
Plants: creeping primrose, parrot feather, salvinia, water hyacinth,
and salvinia over the pond, view facing South, 9/19/98.
Entire pond facing north-west, completely
covered in salvinia,
Pond facing North, 8/28/98.
Plants in the waterfall area, 7/26/98. The plant
the yellow flower
is creeping primrose. The frilly green plant is parrot feather.
Pond facing Northwest, 7/25/98.
All 5 lilies blooming, non-blooming lotus, and
other plants, late
July 1998. Lilies left to right - Chromatella (yellow, small), Comanche (orange/yellow, big),
Fabiola (pink, big but few flowers), Albata (white, very big), and William Falconer (red,
White albata lily and lily pads, July 1998.
**Best photo!! Iris and waterfall, facing North.
Blue, yellow, and red
iris in bloom, yellow (Chromatella) and orange (Comanche) lilies in bloom, 5/16/98.
Top of waterfall, bad picture, will not scan well, facing west,
Waterfall with blooming weeping cherry behind, facing north-west,
Overflow, facing north-east, 4/12/98.
Bog area and bench, facing south-east,
The large pond at two months old, facing north-west, July, 1997.
Lilies in my big pond on July 21, 1997. The two white ones are albata,
the pink one is Fabiola, and the orange one at the top is a Comanche. The albata put out the
most weight of leaves, the Chromatella (out of sight) put out the most leaves (a smaller kind of
lily), while the Comanche flowered the most. All flowered heavily except the Fabiola which
only put out half a dozen flowers all season. This is the photo that used to be at the top of my
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