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Robyn's Winter Pond Pictures Page

Last Updated: 2/20/17

Winter 2015-2016
Winter 2014-2015
Winter 2013-2014
Winter 2012-2013
Winter 2011-2012
Winter 2010-2011
Winter 2009-2010
Winter 2008-2009
Winter 2007-2008
Winter 2006-2007
Winter 2005-2006
Winter 2004-2005
Winter 2003-2004
Winter 2002-2003
Winter 2001-2002
Winter 1999

For more general information on these photos, see my pond pictures page index.

Note: All photos are of the 1800 gallon pond unless otherwise noted.

All photos are listed from newest to oldest.

Winter 2015-2016:

We had snow on 3/4/16!
Big pond facing northwest.
Big pond facing northwest.
Back ponds facing north.

The ponds were almost entirely frozen over on 2/14/16:
Waterfalls and de-icer hole
Main waterfall
De-icer hole
Big pond and falls facing northeast
153 gallon pond

We had a blizzard on 1/22/16! I measured 19" but the news said 26" but I never found that much. These photos were taken on 1/24/16:
153 gallon pond - on the left is the Luft pump's black cover box which I cleared off. On the right is the de-icer and bubbler.
153 gallon pond - shows all of the pond proper, facing northwest.
Big pond - facing southeast; note the air stone
Big pond - side waterfall (the dark line in the snow is where the heat from the waterfall melted the snow)
Big pond - waterfalls
Big pond - facing southeast
Big pond - showing the aerator in the deep end that made a hole in the snow
Outlet and lighted candy canes (which tell me at a glance if there is power out there)
Big pond - facing northwest
Aeration hole
Big pond - facing southwest

Big pond on 1/17/16 after a light dusting of snow, facing northwest.

Winter 2014-2015:

These photos are from 3/7/15 after some snow. Note that the main waterfall was off at this time due to a previous power outage that froze up the lines.

Big pond - facing southeast.
Big pond - facing south.
Big pond - facing northeast, waterfall area.
Big pond - facing north.
Big pond - facing northwest.
153 gallon pond - facing north.
153 gallon pond - facing west.

1800 gallon pond on 2/15/15, facing west. The pond was completely frozen over except for a small hole with an air stone and de-icer. The power had gone off so the waterfall system would not re-start and was off a very long time.

Winter 2013-2014:

We got 8" of snow on 3/17/14. Here are some photos of the ponds.
Big pond facing northwest
Deep area with pond fish - I see a big orfe, a small orfe, Colin (big white koi), and Riley (smaller white koi)
153 gallon pond facing northwest

We got 17" of snow on 2/13/14. Here are some photos of the ponds.
153 gallon pond facing west
153 gallon pond facing south
East side of the big pond - where the outlet, walkway, and bench are (under all that snow)
Big pond facing southwest
Big pond facing northwest towards the waterfall
Big pond waterfall and aerator area
Pond bench
Big pond facing northwest from inside after I cleared the snow off the outlet, etc.

Here are some photos of the big pond on 1/24/14 in the snow.
Snowy pond facing southwest.
Snowy pond facing north.

From 1/3/14:
153 gallon pond facing northwest.
Big pond facing southwest.
Big pond facing northwest. Look at all that ice!
Big pond facing northwest.
Waterfall and opening in the ice from the aerator.

From 12/10/13 while it was snowing:
Big pond facing northwest.
Big pond facing northwest.
Big pond facing west.

Winter 2012-2013:

It snowed on 3/25/13, about four inches. Here are some photos of the ponds that day.
Back yard including the 153 gallon pond.
153 gallon pond facing northwest.
Biofilter - head of the falls in the 1800 gallon pond
Main body of the 1800 gallon pond facing southwest; you can see the fish.
1800 gallon pond and waterfall facing northwest; you can see the fish including Colin (my biggest fish, a white koi).
1800 gallon pond and waterfall facing northwest; more fish.
1800 gallon pond and waterfall facing north; more fish.
1800 gallon pond - the deep end

The next day, 3/26/13, I found 7" heron tracks in the snow by the 1800 gallon pond! Here are some photos with a ruler.
Heron track
Heron tracks
Heron tracks

On 1/26/13, we had an inch of snow the evening before, and I took these photos of the big pond.
Both waterfalls facing northeast.
Hole from aerator - a view of the deep end.
Pond facing northwest showing the hole from the aerator and the waterfall.
Main waterfall - looking down on the flow of the main waterfall.

On 1/23/13, it was 12 degrees F at dawn. The big pond froze over except where the waterfall was moving at where the air stone bubbled up.
Iced over pond - there is a big hole where the aeration comes up. The main waterfall is to the left. You can see the fish under the ice. I see my biggest orfe and two of my koi (Colin and Nikita) as well as goldfish.
Frozen main waterfall - you can see how it is mostly frozen over but there is a hole where water is pouring in.
Frozen side waterfall - this is the side waterfall which is starting to build an ice dome.
Air hole from the aeration. I like the way the sunlight is bouncing off the ice.
Big pond facing north. You can see where ice is and where it is not.

I did some videos the same day as above:
Frozen 1800 gallon pond video on 1/23/13 and how I use the sledgehammer on the waterfall ice (not the main pond).
Frozen 1800 gallon pond video on 1/23/13.

Winter 2011-2012:

We did not really have a winter this year but here is a photo of the big pond.
1800 gallon pond on 1/25/12, facing north.

Winter 2010-2011:

Four inches of snow fell on 2/22/11, and here are photos of the big pond that morning.
1800 gallon pond facing southwest from afar.
1800 gallon pond facing southwest
1800 gallon pond deep end.
1800 gallon pond facing north towards the falls. I can see my big white koi, Colin, in this photo and the next.
1800 gallon pond facing northwest.

These photos are from 1/12/11 after two inches of snow:
1800 gallon pond facing southwest.
1800 gallon pond facing southwest.
1800 gallon pond falls area and deep end from above the pond.
1800 gallon pond facing north.

Winter 2009-2010:

Here is a photo of the big pond on 3/7/10 when I was finally able to get in to the pond after the blizzards.
Pond facing southwest.

We had two massive blizzards in February 2010. There are many photos including more than a dozen of the 1800 gallon and 153 gallon ponds on this page. I will just refer you there instead of copying the relevant photos to this page.

These photos are from 1/31/10 when we had about 5.5 inches of snow.
153 gallon pond - facing west.
Pond - facing south, standing at the top of the falls.
Pond - looking at the open area at the base of the falls, standing near the stream.
Pond - facing south; the pond is netted.
Pond - waterfall; Maggie (koi) can be seen in the opening.
Koi - three of my four koi were visible; Colin at the top, then orange Maggie and little Kojak at the bottom.
Koi - Maggie at the top, Colin to the left, and Kojak at the bottom.
Pond - facing north towards the waterfall.
Pond - facing northwest towards the waterfall.

Here are three photos of the 1800 gallon from 12/6/09 when we had up to four inches of snow. It was a heavy snow that weighed down the plants, pond net, etc. Note the illuminated penguin which makes it easy to tell if there is power out by the pond.
Pond - facing northwest.
Pond - facing west.
Pond - from the southeast of the pond, facing northwest. The butterfly bush has collapsed over the cement bench.

Winter 2008-2009:

These photos from 1/18/09 were taken when the pond was completely frozen over except where the water was moving down parts of the waterfall. Some water was running under ice.
1800 gallon pond - view from the biofilter at the top of the falls, facing down and southwest. You can see the two slit openings in the ice where water is running.
1800 gallon pond looking at the waterfalls, facing northwest.
1800 gallon pond facing north towards the waterfalls.
1800 gallon pond side waterfall.
1800 gallon pond main waterfall.
I also took three videos that day which can be seen on the fish videos page.

1800 gallon pond with a dusting of snow on 12/7/08. The photo was taken through the glass at dawn so it is not a great photo. If I take a photo outside, I cannot get as much of the pond in the picture.

Winter 2007-2008:

On 1/13/08, I took a photo of the new fake heron after I pruned the red cedar tree (that came up on its own) behind it. The pond has no ice or snow (so not really a winter photo but I put winter month photos on this page anyway).
1800 gallon pond - north end and waterfall area, facing northwest

On 1/12/08, I took this photo of my old busted heron but you can also see the pond (ice free and netted) and even my big orange koi, Maggie.
Busted fake heron and 1800 gallon pond

On 12/6/07, I took these four photos and one video of the ponds after four inches of snow the day before while the nets were still on the ponds.
153 gallon pond - all that is open is where the air stone and de-icer are because the net caught and held the snow.
153 gallon pond - entire view
1800 gallon pond facing southwest. You can see the fish through the net including both of my koi (Maggie who is orange and Colin who is white).
1800 gallon pond facing northwest. The net caught the snow and held it up and over the waterfall area which is near the center of the photo. You can see some of the fish including Maggie through the net.
I also took a video of the big pond on this day.
1800 gallon pond - 2491 KB, mpg movie - I pan from the north end of the pond (biofilter) to the middle of the pond (where the fish are) and down to the south end (marginal area).

Winter 2006-2007:

On 2/24/07, I took these photos of the 1800 gallon pond.
Ice pond - facing south. The pond is melting out; you can see my koi, Maggie (right) and Colin (left), in the middle of the photo. A lot of leaves have blown into the open water.
Ice pond - the pond is melting out; you can barely see my koi, Maggie and Colin in the middle of the photo. This photo is closer in on the leaves.
Pond - melted deep end. There is a pickerel frog moving on the bottom in the middle of the photo.
Pickerel frog - close up of the frog from the previous photo.
Pickerel frog - a different close up.

On 2/7/07, I took these photos of the ponds with 2 inches of snow at dawn.
153 gallon pond - looking down on the open area with the de-icer and aerator. The right side is snow over solid ice.
Pond - facing southwest, view from near the biofilter out across the entire pond. Compare this to the day before photo (the last one in the next set) for the same view without snow.
Pond - facing northwest, main waterfall.
Pond - facing northwest (just slightly west), looking towards the waterfalls.

On 2/6/07, I took photos of the 1800 gallon pond encased in ice around 5 pm. Only part of the waterfall was still running, in some places under ice. That morning, it was 7 degrees F.
Pond - facing northwest, main waterfall
Pond - facing northwest, close-up of main waterfall
Pond - facing northwest, main waterfall
Pond - facing north, view of most of the pond
Pond - facing northeast, main waterfall and deep end
Pond - main waterfall, ice forming over the running water; I stood in the waterfall area to get this view from above the running water
Pond - side waterfall, mostly iced over
Biofilter and de-icer - you cannot see it but it is ice covered except from the de-icer to the overflow down to the falls; I took the green Rubbermaid tub lid off the biofilter for this photo.
Pond - facing southwest, view from near the biofilter out across the entire pond. It is solid ice.

I also took four videos of the pond in the ice that day! I just decided to put them all on my site. Go to my pond videos page to see those.

Winter 2005-2006:

Pond on 2/12/06 facing west, under a foot of snow.
Pond waterfall area on 2/12/06 facing west.
Pond on 2/12/06 facing west after I dug out part of the area. You cannot even tell!
153 gallon pond on 2/12/06 facing northwest.
153 gallon pond on 2/12/06 facing west.
153 gallon pond on 2/12/06 after I cleared off the snow, facing west.

Pond edge on 12/11/05 on the east side showing the bird "island" and the edge of the pond where I need to pull off the net to get in to clean the pump intake which I could not that day.
Entire pond facing north on 12/11/05. The net has collapsed in the snow and ice.
Pond fish under the net on 12/11/05. You can see my koi, Maggie, as well as some of the orfe and goldfish. The black "heron protector" plastic box can be seen on the bottom of the pond.
Pond waterfall and fish under the net on 12/11/05. Maggie is there again as is one of orfe who has a bent spine.

Winter 2004-2005:

1800 gallon pond facing southwest on 2/13/05. There is no snow but I had to put on the net to keep the heron out. It did snow this year but I did not take any photos of the pond in the snow.

Winter 2003-2004:

Here are five photos of the frozen pond taken on 1/31/04. When I saw frozen falls, the falls themselves, the moving water was moving but there was ice all around them.
Frozen falls facing south.
Frozen falls facing northwest.
Frozen falls facing north.
Frozen falls facing northeast, closer.
Frozen pond from inside the house, facing northwest.

Frozen goldfish frozen into the shallows of the pond a few weeks before, photo taken on 1/25/04.

Frozen main falls on 1/25/04, facing north.

Pond viewed across the water on 12/28/03 when it was warm so it is not a "real" winter photo.

Here are six photos of my big pond on 12/7/03 before and after I cleared the snow off the leaf net around the edges. Photos from a few days before are after these.
Big pond before clearing the collapsed net, facing south.
Big pond before clearing, facing north.
Big pond after clearing, facing south.
Big pond after clearing, facing north, closeup of left side.
Big pond after clearing, facing north, all of pond.
Big pond through the ice and snow and net. You can sort of see orfe and goldfish in there.

These 8 photos are from 12/5/03 around 8 am when we got almost a foot of snow over two days.
Main pond before clearing things off, completely snow covered due to the net still being on and catching snow, leaving a pocket of air between pond and snow and possibly harming the net. The biofilter is hidden and marked by words over the photo. You can see the net. Facing south.
Biofilter after cleaning - de-icer and biofilter with net pulled back after clearing off the snow, facing south.
Net - close-up of net stuck into the snow over the 1800 gallon pond. An opening over the waterfall can be seen to the right but the net allowed the falls mostly to be covered and hidden under it.
Pond from inside, after partial cleaning, facing west.
Back yard with 153 gallon pond and two tub ponds buried in front of bush on the left, facing north.
153 gallon pond before cleaning off any snow. The area where things should be are marked, facing west.
Yard stick on bridge over 153 gallon pond showing the start of the snow fall's depth.
Cleaned off 153 gallon pond - the same pond as two photos back, also facing west, but now cleared off! What a difference!

Winter 2002-2003:

Pond buried in 2 feet of snow on 2/17/03, facing west, taken through the window. I dug out the filter and outlet which are marked in the photo. For detailed stories about this largest single storm in Baltimore history, see my March 2003 pond newsletter (not on-line until 3/9/03).
Out back on 2/17/03, facing north. View out the back glass door where my 153 gallon pond and others vanished under 2 feet of snow. My cat Gino is at the bottom left of the door but may be invisible on some monitors as that area is so dark. The porch drops about 8 inches to the ground there. I cleared the snow off the porch and spread out some bird seed there. You cannot see a pond in this photo but I put it here anyway.

Pond in 7 inches of snow on 2/7/03, facing west through the window before I cleared off the filter (top of waterfall). And I thought this seven inches was a lot (I went to work that day though)! That was until 9 days later when 2 feet fell as shown above!

I took these next five photos at the same time when my pond was the most frozen ever. I wrote some descriptions onto the photos themselves to identify various things. Check out my February pond newsletter for details about the multiple problems I went through during the worst winter ever for my seven-year-old pond.

Waterfall, facing south-east, 1/25/03. You can see the tiny gap in the ice where the waterfall spills into the pond.
Biofilter with lip stones removed, facing north-east, 1/25/03. The photo is marked to show how part of the filter freezes and where it spills out.
Frozen pond facing north-east, 1/25/03. This shows the snow up over the ice, water pumped out over the snow over the ice over the water (many layers).
Frozen pond facing west, 1/25/03. There are bunny tracks on the photo over the snow over the ice over the water. The ice is about 8 inches thick.
Frozen pond facing north, 1/25/03. My shadow is in the photo.

Pond in snow, facing west from inside, 12/5/02.
Waterfall area in snow, facing west from inside, 12/5/02.
153 gallon pond in snow on 12/5/02, facing north from inside.

Winter 2001-2002:

Frozen pond, facing north, pond completely frozen except for de-icer on the right and waterfall, 1/01/02.
Netted pond, facing west, taken from inside through glass on 10/14/01. The net, which is green, is barely visible.

Winter 1999:

Snow covered pond, facing north-west, 1/8/99.
Picture of my de-icer and waterfall openings at work on 1/8/99 when the pond was covered in 2 inches of ice topped with 4 inches of snow, and the temperature had dropped as low as 9 degrees F.

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