Last Updated: 5/13/16
Koi Photos
Major Koi Web Sites
Koi Clubs
Koi Stores
Koi Magazines
Personal Koi Web Pages
Web sites on this page were last tested on 12/19/08.
Photos of my koi can be seen here.
Here are some photos of other people's koi listed from newest to oldest.
Koi in the largest pond at the Washington, D.C. zoo on 10/2/11.
Jessica sent these photos of a young, mixed-breed butterfly koi to me on 3/8/07 to identify the
species of fish. I had the photos for a while and decided to link them in here since the koi is so
Butterfly koi - left side
Butterfly koi - left side; the chin barbels are extra
evident in this photo
Butterfly koi - left side
Butterfly koi - right side
Photos of Koi - this page has lots of photos that I took of various fancy koi at Ladew Topiary Gardens on 6/14/06.
Here is a photo of koi at Lilypons in Frederick, MD taken on 8/31/03: Lilypons koi.
Koi Vet - lots of koi and pond information; THE site to visit if you have a koi health question. Also, see some of Dr. Johnson's related koi pages such as Koicrisis.com (now defunct), Koilab.com, and Koinews.com (now defunct). He has a bunch more sites too.
KoiFace - "The social network for koi and pond enthusiasts."
Mid Atlantic Koi Club - MAKC, I am a member; they have a monthy magazine and a book with copies of their best articles from the past; really the best source for new koi keepers on the Eastern Coast of the United States
Associated Koi Clubs of America - AKCA
The British Koi Keepers Society
Koi Cymru - The South Wales Section of the British Koi-Keepers' Society - koi pond building, etc.
Worldwide Koi Club Yahoo Group
KoiClubs.com - a list of koi clubs
Quality Koi Company, Inc. - sell koi and supplies
Koi Unlimited - this is a store in Florida; the one in Maryland is gone?
Koi-zyme - a safe product made to help koi combat Aeromonas and other nasty bacteria; formerly called Lymnozyme.
Koiclay.com - sells calcium bentonite clay which is reported to improve the health of koi via the addition of minerals
Fancy Koi Outlet - sell koi supplies including koi-zyme, medicated food, and koi clay which may be hard to find at general pond suppliers.
Pond Armor - a product painted onto a surface to make it water tight and useable for a pond
The Koi Keepers - sell koi
Razor Back Koi - sell koi and supplies (link request)
Videokoi.com - sells a koi video featuring Dr. Johnson of koivet.com fame.
Happy Koi - a South African koi store and web site
Heating Your Pond - heaters for koi ponds
Koi Nursery - sell koi
Koi USA - magazine; a lot of basic to advanced koi information and forums on all the various aspects of koi keeping
Nishikigoi International - koi magazine
Koi Page - a site with animation
Living Jewels - a koi site
Antonio's Koi - includes a page showing some of the different varieties of koi
Koi Search - a Google search more specific to koi
For other pond web sites that may contain koi information as well and also for catalogs that contain koi-related supplies and koi themselves, go to my Pond Sources Page.
See the bottom of my pond page for the All Koi Pond Tour Web Ring as well as general pond web rings.
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