Donating to

Help feed my animals!

Did you know that Fishpondinfo gets more than 100,000 page views per month? Did you know that I am unemployed? Did you know that if just 4% of the visitors donated $1, I would make more money than I did at my job? Did you know that my animals cost an average of $1300 a month for food, vet bills, filters, and so on? You do now!

Thank you for considering donating to Fishpondinfo. Click this image to make a donation. Donation information follows.

Donation Information:

1. The above link takes you to the Paypal site. You can donate using Paypal or standard credit cards as well.

2. I am NOT registered as a non-profit. I am just one person with lots of animals. Your donation is NOT tax deductible. I will pay taxes on any donations that I receive. After taxes and Paypal's cut, I will take in a little more than half of your donation.

3. Donations will be used to first pay for this web site and then to help cover the more than $1000 a month I spend on animal food, supplies, medications, and vet bills. I will not spend it on myself. I take no vacations anyway.

4. For those of you that think I have audacity or am selfish for asking for donations, let me say that I put this up after receiving requests from visitors that they wanted a way to donate. I never even considered that people would pay me for the information on my site. That is why I put it up for free instead of charging people because I figured no one would pay, and the information would not be there to help animals.

For more information on me and my web site, see my introduction page and contact page.

Thank you so much!

Last Updated: 6/4/12

Pet Link Banner Exchange:

Dutch Gardens, Inc.

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