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Guinea Pig Links

Last Updated: 3/31/07

Guinea Pig Organizations and FAQ's
Guinea Pig Pellets, Hay, Treats, and Products
Guinea Pig Forums
Personal Guinea Pig Web Pages and Miscelleanous

If you cannot find what you are looking for on my page, you can search the internet:


The links on this page were last verified on 3/16/06 with bad links either being updated by searching for the site or removed if they could not be found. In any case where I think the site was superb and/or could find an archived version, I will note that it is gone but link to an archived version. If your site was wrongly removed because I could not find where it had gone (or you want to add a new site), please e-mail me.


alt.pets.guinea-pigs - use this link if you have a newsgroup system

alt.pets.guinea-pigs - use this web link to use the newsgroup off Google newsgroups.


Free catalogs for cats, dogs, and small mammals from That Pet Place can be obtained by calling 1-888-THATPET.

Drs. Foster and Smith has a small animal catalog that you can receive free by calling 1-800-826-7206.

Guinea Pig Organizations and FAQ's

American Cavy Breeders Association

Guinea Pig Adoption Network - looking for a guinea pig or information, go to this site!

Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue - guinea pigs for adoption in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.

MD Guinea Pig Rescue - they publicize guinea pigs available in shelters and foster homes in Maryland and nearby states.

FAQ on bedding

Guinea Pig FAQ

Guinea Pig Pellets, Hay, Treats, and Products

Oxbow Hay - guinea pig pellets, multiple kinds of yummy hay, treats, and Vitamin C tablets. For less shipping on the Eastern coast of the USA, try ordering their products from petfooddirect.com. Drs. Foster and Smith now sells Oxbow guinea pig pellets and Vitamin C (not the hay yet). Enter through this link:
Save on Small Pet Supplies at Drs. Foster  & Smith

The Busy Bunny - toys, mats, tunnels, baskets, hay, litter, and treats that are all edible, safe, and healthy! These are made for rabbits but work just as well for guinea pigs!

Guinea Pig Forums

The Guinea Pig Hutch - a forum on guinea pigs

The Cavy Compendium Forum

Personal Guinea Pig Web Pages and Miscelleneous

Cavies Galore - Large site with Cavy FAQ and a lot of fun cavy related forums, polls, prose, stories, games, etc.

Cavies Dot Com - Large site with information on care, bedding, etc. This is an archived version as the site appears to have vanished.

Cavy Madness - care, gifts, photos, links, messageboard, etc. They have a good guinea pig links page.

Guinea Pigs Online

Guinea Pig links

Care of Guinea Pigs

A Guinea Pig Quick-Brief - a little bit more guinea pig information

Guinea Pigs World

Jackie's Guinea Piggies

Cavy Cages - a different way to cage your pig

Cavy Info International - includes emergency care information.

Pet Link Banner Exchange:

Return to the main guinea pig page.
See the master index for the guinea pig pages.

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