Last Updated: 2/11/06
Web Sites
If you cannot find what you are looking for on my page, you can search the internet:
There are so many books on cats that I need not share with you the dozens that I own at least for now. Here is an amazon link for some cat books.
Free catalogs for cats, dogs, and small mammals from That Pet Place can be obtained by calling 1-888-THATPET.
R.C. Steele in New York has a large selection of dog and cat supplies. Call 1-800-872-3773 for a free catalog.
Drs. Foster and Smith in WI has a catalog with plenty of cat supplies, including some veterinarian supplies. Their phone number for a free catalog is 1-800-826-7206.
Another mail order company which sells some cat supplies is Wholesale Pet USA. Their number is 1-800-473-8872.
Health Links for Cats - best place to go to find information about a cat health issue.
Return to the main cat page. See the master index for the cat pages.
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