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Chicken Photos

Last Updated: 10/25/12

Photos of Other People's Chickens

Photos are listed from newest to oldest.

Go to my chicken photo page to see photos of my chickens.

Wyandotte chicks that I saw at the fair on 8/7/12.

Crystal sent these photos on 2/1/08 of her chickens:
Rooster - named Wakka, may be part gamefowl or part buttercup chicken
Rooster - same one
Top Hat Chicken named Nightmare, may be a silver Polish crested chicken
Hen - named Lulu, might be a female buttercup chicken

Susan sent me a bunch of photos of a domestic turkey raised by a peahen. You can see all the photos on my turkey photo page. There are chickens in some of the photos. Those photos from 1/27/08 with chickens are shown here.
Domestic turkey and mother peahen and a white chicken
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and five chickens including two barred rocks in the front
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and a white chicken
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and two chickens (maybe a barred rock and a Rhode Island red)
Domestic turkey with mother peahen and four chickens (two barred rock hens, white rooster, Rhode Island red hen?)

On 11/19/07, we went to the Catoctin zoo. Here is one chicken photo from that trip.
Jungle Fowl - wild chickens

On 4/29/07, Joni sent some photos of her mixed breed turkeys but I noticed there are some chickens in the back of this one photo.
Fancy turkeys and about three chickens in the back

Julie sent these amazing photos of her chickens to me on 10/24/06. She has 3 chickens about 7- months-old as of 10/24/06. She asked me to tell her what breeds they are. I hope I got it right.
Buff Brahma rooster - side view
Silver Polish hen and buff Brahma hen on top of her yellow lab, plus two black Labrador retrievers
Buff Brahma rooster, silver Polish hen, and buff Brahma hen from left to right on a roost
Buff Brahma rooster, buff Brahma hen, and silver Polish hen, left to right on the air conditioner
Buff Brahma rooster, silver Polish hen, and buff Brahma hen from left to right on a roost
Silver Polish hen on top of yellow lab, buff Brahma rooster, and buff Brahma hen on black lab's legs - quite amazing!
Buff Brahma rooster - front view

Jessica sent this photo of her frizzle rooster to post on my forum on 8/17/06:
Frizzle Rooster

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