Last Updated: 11/11/13
Newsgroups, Catalogs, and Web Sites
Other Pages on This Site of Interest to Those with Chameleons:
This page was never finished (ok, never started!). In the past, when I got new animals, I could put up complete pages on them but I have been overburdened with so much work that all I had time to do was put up a skeleton page.
Sorry, I have not had time to fill this in yet.
Size and Behavior
Pygmy chameleons grow to about three inches long. They move slowly through branches and leaves always on the look out for movement. If they sight an animal small enough to eat, they can send out their tongue some half a foot and grab their prey.
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Sorry, I have not had time to fill this in yet.
Unlike most reptiles, pygmy chameleons do not require heat lamps. They live in the wild in the darker levels of the rainforest. During the day, they are quite happy at room temperature, 75 degrees F. A night temperature of 65 degrees F is good. Care must be taken that they do not overheat. It is best to have a tank with a temperature gradient so they can decide where they feel most comfortable. There seems to be disagreement over whether or not full spectrum fluorescent lighting is beneficial for pygmy chameleons. It is required in most reptiles to help manufacture Vitamin D.
Coming from the understory of tropical jungles, pygmy chameleons should have high humidity. They will only drink from small pools of moving or jiggling water. They will not drink from water bowls. They may drink from waterfalls. Their tanks should be misted twice a day to provide humidity and drinking water. Care must be taken to not add too much water which promotes bacterial and fungal growth mostly in the substrate. At the same time, not enough water can cause the little chameleons to dry out.
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Pygmy chameleons only eat moving, live animals. It is easiest to feed them with small crickets. Some will also eat animals like waxworms, mealworms, and any small moving live animal.
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Sorry, I have not had time to fill this in yet.
Get a free reptile catalog from That Pet Place by calling 1-888-THATPET.
Drs. Foster and Smith will send you a free reptile catalog if you call 1-800-443-1160. You can
enter their web site from this link:
Drs. Foster & Smith - The Trusted Name
in Reptile Supplies
Additional Links:
There are a bunch more web sites on pygmy chameleons but I have not had time to add those yet.
General reptile links:
HerpDigest - "A free weekly electronic newsletter on the latest news on reptile and amphibian science and conservation."
The Lizard Lounge - a site on lizards.
Worm Man - sells live crickets, mealworms, king mealworms, butterworms, etc.
My pygmy chameleon, Albert, that I got on 7/6/08 has his own page:
Albert's page
Albert died on 8/18/08 for no obvious reason.
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