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Albert's Page

Last Updated: 8/20/08

Albert on 7/6/08.

Albert's Setup

Albert's Story

Pictures of Albert

For information about pygmy chameleons, go to my pygmy chameleon page.

Due to my job, I have not been able to write Albert's page in any detail as of yet. Albert died on 8/18/08 so I never will get to work on his web page . ;-(

Albert's Setup

Due to lack of time, I have not added much information here yet. Albert is living in a 20 gallon aquarium. The tank has 13 adult and at least 13 juvenile six-spotted roaches, a hermit crab (who hides all the time), and crickets.

On 7/11/08, I bought a 60 W blue daylight to replace the 100 W white daylight that was in the fixture. I then elevated the light fixture about 1.5 inches off the metal screen using pieces of steel closet poles. This dropped the temperature basking under the heat lamp from about 95 degrees F to 80 to 85 degrees F depending on how close you get to the light. Even though pygmy chameleons are not supposed to like heat, the basement can get cold. Albert seems to like the new lighting setup. He can chose to move all over the tank with temperatures ranging from 65 degrees F and up; he seems to like to be a few inches offset from under the daylight, down in the fake leaves.

Albert's Story

I got Albert on 7/6/08. I ran out of time to tell his story so later, I hope.

As of 7/19/08, Albert is going great despite dire predictions from others! He is fat and happy! He likes to lick up the water I spray in twice a day. The roaches and hermit crab never bother him. I never even see the hermit crab except when I clean the tank. The only time the roaches might scare Albert is when they have a breeding frenzy and zip around at night when Albert is trying to sleep. So far though, he just looked at them funny like "hey, what's the rush?" Albert is super slow moving!

As of 8/2/08, Albert is still doing fine. I still do not have time to work on his web page though!

Albert continued to do fine. I never once saw the roaches or hermit crab get anywhere near him even when they came out at night when Albert was sleeping. Albert showed no signs of stress but reptiles often do not show when they are stressed. He would drink water with his twice daily mists on occasion. The only time I actually saw him eat a cricket was the very day I got him. Despite plenty of crickets, Albert seemed to lose some weight. On 8/18/08, I found him dead. I only had him a little over 6 weeks. I was so sad and mad, mostly at myself. There was no reason for him to have died so soon. I can only assume he was stressed despite acting normally. I have to wonder if the crickets may have bothered him as they are diurnal. I will not get another chameleon. For now, I do not plan to add another reptile to the 20 gallon tank either.

Pictures of Albert

These photos are from the day I got him on 7/6/08:
Albert - in the container he came in.
20 gallon tank - Albert is marked

From 7/11/08:

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