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Advertizing Information

Last Updated: 1/27/07

If you would like to advertize at fishpondinfo.com, contact me.

I now have rotating banners at the top of every page. For $20 a month, you can be added to the queue and be seen on ALL of my pages. I will not have more than four of them on there. By 2/23/06, my site now gets over 5000-7000 daily hits! That is a huge audience for your ads! That has to be the cheapest advertizing around! Advertisers can go to a page on my site to see how many people click on their ad.

Ad banners at the bottom of any particular page on this site cost $50 for a year. For that, you can have the banner on one major page and up to 4 minor pages (I can define major and minor if you choose this route). For $10 a month, I will put your banner in all my footers (bottoms of the pages). This costs less than the header because fewer people end up seeing the bottom of the page than the top. I do not have any bottom paid ad banners yet but you are welcome to talk to me about it. I am just an individual so advertizing location and rates are negotiable. If you would like to add a banner, contact me with the page(s) to which you would like to add a banner, and we will discuss it. Pages where there are already banners, either cannot be used, or you have to wait until they expire. Some pages get many more hits than some which get hardly any. It is first come, first serve. My four highest traffic pages were getting over 2000 hits a month in 2003 at their old location. At this new site, the hits are much higher than before (like I said above, the entire site gets 5000+ daily hits)! If at any time during an ad's run, I divide the page up, the banner ad will appear on both pages until the ad time expires.

If you do not have a banner, it does not matter. So far, I have designed banners for three different advertisers. The active ones can be seen in the rotating top banner now. If you have a design firm design a banner, it costs a few hundred dollars. I do it for free although I am sure it is not as professional looking.

The aim of advertizing is for me to cover my expenses and not to compensate myself for the 20 hours or so a week I spend updating my web site and answering e-mails for free. Thanks.

Ads do NOT have to be relevant to the site (it helps you if they are). I will NOT accept banner ads for things that go against my morals and beliefs or that I or the majority of people would find offensive. I will not accept any ads that promote harm to animals or people.

Click here to view all current banners and sponsors.

Pet Link Banner Exchange:

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