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Last Updated: 4/18/12
Short and Long-finned Zebra Danios, Blue Danios, Leopard Danios, and Gold (Albino Zebra) Danios
Quick Information
Description and Varieties
Setup and Water Preferences
Breeding - spawning, fry, my fish and fry, and interbreeding
Danios Chasing Other Fish
My Zebra Danios
Links and Pictures
For information on my past danios (types, ages, tank setup, etc.), visit my old 40 gallon tank page.
I also have pages on these species of danios:
Danio X
Glowlight Danios and Fire Bar Danios
Rosy Danios
Common names: Zebra danio, blue danio, leopard danio, gold or albino
Scientific/Latin names: Brachydanio rerio (zebra, blue, and
albino danios) and Brachydanio "frankei" (leopard danio)
Maximum length: 1 to 2 inches
Colors: black, white, blue, yellow, brown, gold, etc.
Temperature preference: 65 to 75 degrees F, can withstand 50 to 100 degrees
pH preference: 7
Hardness preference: Soft to moderate
Salinity preference: 1 Tablespoon per 10-30 gallons
Compatibility: Good but like to chase each other and similar small fish but
rarely do any harm
Life span: 2 to 10 years
Ease of keeping: Easy
Ease of breeding: Easy if eggs separated from fish
Zebra danios come from the coast of India. Plain old zebra danios grow to about 2 inches. Their body is a silver or plain with seven to nine bluish stripes. Between the stripes, males have gold while females have silver.
There are many varieties and species of danio which can interbreed. I will describe each one
separately. There may be even more kinds. If you know of one, E-mail me. All of these danios
have barbels and the same body shape and can interbreed to produce fertile young. I have had
Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4; and they have all produced viable young together that were also able to
reproduce successfully.
1. Brachydanio rerio = zebra danio = zebra fish. The regular zebra danio has black
and yellow to white stripes horizontally across its body and on its caudal and anal fins.
2. Brachydanio "frankei" = leopard danio. Leopard danios, which some believe
are a different species and others believe simply to be a different morph of zebra danios, have
black spots over a yellow or gold background. I believe they are the same species as zebra
danios since they can interbreed freely with zebra danios to produce viable, reproductive
3. Blue danios are a mix of blues and yellow whites in a spot pattern so most likely they
developed from a leopard danio.
4. Gold danios are also called albino zebra danios. They are definitely just a morph of zebra
danios. They have orange where the zebra danio has black.
In addition, all of the above fish come in longfinned varieties. Below, these additional fish can
provide viable, but infertile, young when mated with the above fish and each other. These
danios are a bit larger and less slim than the above fish.
5. Brachydanio albolineatus or the pearl danio is iridescent and requires warmer
6. Brachydanio kerri looks like the pearl danio but with stripes.
7. Brachydanio nigrofasicatus is the spotted danio. It has black lines and spots
over a yellowish body.
In addition to all these, there are now zebra danios with anemone genes in them so that they glow under UV light. They are called glofish or glo-lite danios (not the same species as glowlight danios which I have and are naturally red and beautiful). The creators have a site on glofish at glofish.com. From what I have read, these fish have brought up a lot of controversy. I do not think that they would do any harm if released into the wild in areas with cold winters as they would die over winter but if released in warm climates, who knows. California banned their sale. These human- manipulated zebra danios do produce viable young with each other that also glow which in time, will probably put the patent holders out of business. Also, they can breed with all the above zebra danios and related danios. I do not know what would happen to the anemone gene though with mixed breeding. On 3/22/07, Scott (who worked with a college professor who bred glofish) told me that if you breed two glofish together, a quarter of them will die because two sets of the anemone is fatal, half will be glofish, and a quarter will look like regular zebra danios. If you breed a glofish to a regular zebra danio, half would be glofish and half would be normal zebra danios.
Giant Danio:
A final danio to mention is the giant danio which I have never kept. As its name implies, it is large. This danio cannot breed with any of the above fish. It looks like a large pearl danio. The ordinary giant danio is a pale white with light stripping. At least a few other, fancier varieties have been created. Giant danios require warmer water than the above danios (75 to 83 degrees F). Due to their size and desire to school, they need large tanks. A half dozen could live in a 50 gallon tank without many other fish. They are very shy and tend to hide if they are not in a large enough school in a large tanks with lots of plants.
Danio Barbels:
All danios have barbels under their chin. They look like two small hairs on either side of underneath of their mouths. Some people say the fish have whiskers. When swimming quickly as danios do, the barbels are pressed against their bodies and difficult to see. Danios that are resting or making turns have easier to view barbels. On examining my fish, I noted no difference in the appearance or length of the barbels in males versus females.
I will be referring to zebra, blue, leopard, and gold or albino danios all as danios. This does not include the other species who may have different requirements (especially the giant danio, see the large paragraph for information). Danios prefer slightly acid, soft water between 60 and 75 degrees F. A temperature of about 72 degrees F is perfect. At cooler temperatures, they are less active and eat less. They can take temperatures as low as 50 or as high as 85 degrees F (one source says 110 degrees F!) for short periods. They make good companions for white clouds and rosy red minnows. Be sure to keep them in a school, at least three with 6 to 10 being better. Danios can pester each other and other fish but never do any real harm. Provide at least a few gallons per danio. Danios can live from a few years to as many as ten. They usually stop breeding after about five years. They really eat anything but they relish their own newborn fry and baby brine shrimp.
Jeff told me on 5/22/05, that he keeps zebra danios in his outdoor pond in the Central Valley in California and that they overwinter despite temperature readings he says are as low as 40 degrees F. It seems a bit fishy but maybe.
Males are more slender and sleek. Mature females are fat, especially when egg-laden. In the ordinary zebra danio, the males' yellow white areas (stripes and on the dorsal fin edge) are a much stronger yellow. Males tend to be smaller and more vibrant in color. Females full of eggs will have an enlarged ovipositor (where the eggs come out).
As soon as the lights go on (real sun or artificial light) in the morning, the danios prepare to spawn if they are ready, and the temperature is in the mid to high 70's. The males chase the females. The spawning looks almost violent with large quantities of eggs (up to 200 from a mature female) being laid in the plants. Java moss, artificial spawning mops, and pots and wood (they spawn in the crack between the object and the gravel) are favored places to leave the eggs. Because danios eat all of the eggs and fry that they can reach, to get young, you must either remove the parents after spawning or collect the fry.
I have collected the fry in two manners. One is during the weekly vacuuming of the tank. Large numbers of developing eggs can be sucked out of the bathtub to which I drain the tank. You could also drain tank water into a bucket. Let the debris settle and search through it for eggs and larvae. Another way is to use a pipette (or airline tubing filled with water) to suck the larvae off the glass where they congregate after lights out when newly hatched. Typically, these methods would retrieve about 5-30 eggs and larvae per female per spawning (about weekly).
To obtain larger yields, the parents must be removed. In this case, place a male and a few females that have been separated for at least a week in a 5-10 gallon tank with marbles or medium sized gravel in the bottom. Put them together in the evening. If ready, they will spawn at dawn. After spawning, the parents are removed and the yields are much higher (about 50- 500 per female).
Eggs hatch in one to two days. After birth, the fry attach themselves to the glass for a few days. This makes them very prone to being eaten by any fish in the tank. Once they are free swimming, they go towards light, and it is time to feed them. The fry eat infusuria, prepared fry foods, and later baby brine shrimp.
For an in depth discussion of breeding in bulk for experimentation or selling, visit The Zebra Fish Book.
More on danio fry care:
Danio fry can be raised in their own small tank (and later larger tanks) with mature biological
filters or in net breeders. Net breeders are sold through most pet suppliers and work for small
quantities of fry. They are small (1/3 gallon or so) nylon nets over a plastic frame. They allow
complete exchange of water between the fry and the rest of the aquarium but keep the fry safe.
If no other tanks are available, time is limited, or there are few fry, net breeders work well.
Also, visit my breeding and fry care page for more information on how to care for the fry (tank setup, feeding, cleaning, etc.).
My danios and their batches of fry:
In the summer of 1998, I placed hundreds of eggs and newborn fry that I vacuumed out of my 20 gallon tank into my 50 gallon pond. By late September, there were 20 adult longfin zebra danios that basically raised themselves! Their father was a young longfin leopard danio. They have two possible mothers. One is a 3 year old longfin albino zebra danio. The other is a one year old longfin zebra danio whose mother was a longfin blue danio and whose father was a longfin albino zebra danio. All of the offspring look like longfin zebra danios. But, I must say that my great-grandfishes are much more vibrant and beautiful than any from a store. On 11/25/98, the surviving 20 danios moved into a 40 gallon tank with their three possible parents. See my old 40 gallon tank page to learn more about my danios and their setup.
The above "babies" bred in early 2001. I managed to raise five fry in a net breeder in the 40 gallon tank. They were born on 1/13/01 and released into the tank with their parents on 3/17/01. Their parents tried to eat them but they could not since they were just big enough (about 1/4 of an inch long).
The following crosses have been tested by my fish:
Short-finned x longfinned yields all longfinned fry (longfin is dominant)
Two of the exact same kind (color and finnage) yield that same kind fry
Blue x gold yields all ordinary zebra danios (zebra is dominant)
Leopard x gold yields ordinary zebra danios (resulting fish are fertile too)
Leopard x zebra (mother blue, father gold) yields ordinary zebra danios with stronger gold
lines (resulting fish are fertile too)
The following crosses have been done with other aquarist's fish:
Blue x leopard yields ordinary zebra danios. (From Craig.)
If you have any others that you have tried, please E-mail me and I will add them to the list.
Danios are normally very active and fast. They often chase each other. Males chase females during spawning. Often, the largest female will set up dominance over all other danios and often any other species of fish in the tank as well. She will chase one fish at a time. Rarely will a chasing danio bite another fish. It is very rare for danios to inflict mortal damage. Sometimes, they will remove small amounts of fin from each other but rarely from other species. The fins usually grow back quickly in healthy tanks. The more danios and other fish that are in the tank, the less damage they will do to one another. If there is a dominant fish, she (but sometimes a he) will have too many subjects to deal with to harass any one of them in particular. Danios are not aggressive fish and do much less damage to other fish than say a barb would or could. More often than not, non-spawning danios chasing danios or other fish are just danios enjoying life and having fun.
On 10/1/03, Jeff e-mailed that he thought his danios were mean as they chased each other around so much and wanted to know why and if they would stop. This was my response:
Zebra danios are not what I would call aggressive. I would call them high strung or spazy. Most danios do everything on hyperspeed! They are not going to change. Mine usually leave other species alone and just chase each other around. The more you have, the less likely that any one will be picked on. I have never had a danio would or kill another fish. They seem fit to live at an ever-fast pace.
Living Danios:
As of 01/04/06, I have no zebra danios left. On that day, my last one died. Below is the convoluted history of the danios that I used to have.
As of 4/1/05, I definitely have only one danio left. The one left has its red gills sticking out. As they died, they were easy to count (after eight died in the last 7 months). They were enlarged with tuberculosis tumors, or they were skinny and all bent out of shape from the tuberculosis. They live like this for years. I will let them die out without adding new fish (to get sick too). It is interesting that my 14" plecostomus is perfectly healthy! He must be immune to this nasty stuff.
On 1/3/04, I counted a scant 11 danios left. Somehow I missed some 11 ones that died along the
way! So, my descriptions below are now all jumbled and who knows what I had at any point in
the past! The following are my incoherent ravings since 1997 trying to keep track of so many
fish (and not
doing so!).
I thought I had 22 danios (~3 females, ~6 males, 5 babies born 1/13/01, 1 baby born 3/02, 6
babies born 5/22/02), described in more detail below (actually on 11/1/03, I can only count about
12 danios so probably 10 have died over the last few years that were consumed so fast I never
knew; I'm not sure which ones are which anymore!):
*1 Longfin zebra danio - one female born 1997 (father listed as deceased danio #2), mother
listed as deceased danio #1), may have died on 1/7/01 or one of the females below instead
*7 Longfin zebra danios - ~5 males and ~1 females born in 20 gallon tank and raised in 50
gallon pond in spring and summer 1998 and later 5 gallon tank for a few months, father is
deceased leopard danio #5 below and mother(s) is/are above zebra danio or deceased danio #4
(more likely). I originally had 20 of these fish but 13 have died including a female that died of
an untreatable internal bacterial infection (maybe fish tuberculosis) on 12/11/99, and another
female died on 1/7/01 (apparently healthy, may have been TB too). An unknown fish was found
partially eaten by microorganisms on 5/21/01. I have no idea which fish this was, its sex, or what
the problem was. Finally, another fish who had had a severely bent spine for months died on
6/22/01. I think it was male. Another fish was found dead on 01/02/02. This fish was pretty
decomposed but I think it was female and had a large tummy from a TB tumor. Another, I think
male, died 1/4/01. He had a bent spine but no obvious tumors. Another died on 3/30/02 (female
I think but maybe not) after its tumor burst open the body wall. A danio died on 5/13/02 (male
maybe) with a bent spine and lots of lost weight. Another died on 6/19/02 (female?) after tumors
broke her stomach open. A male died after losing much weight on 9/1/02. A huge female I
assume burst from huge tumors on 1/13/03. Another female blew up from tumors on
7/26/03. I found a decomposed fish on 9/27/03, perhaps male. Another was found dead on
11/28/03, perhaps female.
*5 Baby longfin zebra danios - these fry are offspring of the above fish. They were born on
1/13/01 and released from a net breeder on 3/17/01 at about 1/4 an inch in length. These fry are
sort of like my great-grandkids since their grandmother and parents were born in my tanks! I
started with 11 danio fry and 2 white cloud fry in the net breeder, and
5 danios and 1 white cloud survived to be large enough for release into their parents' tanks.
*2 Longfin blue danios - a pair (one male, one female) were bought and put into quarantine on
2/1/02. They spawned in quarantine on 2/4/02 but the eggs seem to have been eaten. They were
released with the other danios on 2/16/02. The established danios were much larger and chased
them a bit but then things settled down. I left the quarantine tank up and running for a week
in hopes of getting some babies but got none. I could not find the male on 11/1/03 so he must
have died. Yep, he is gone. By 7/04, both blue danios are long gone. I never found the female's
body or noticed exactly when she vanished.
*1 Baby longfin zebra danio - a baby born in March 2002 and raised in the five gallon tank.
Possible birth dates are listed below. On 5/18/02, I put the baby into the 40 gallon tank to make
way for more babies.
*6 Baby longfin zebra danios - 7 babies born 5/22/02 (see below), all deformed, not added in
parents until 8/10/02 due to slow growth from abnormalities (related to tuberculosis probably).
One of the stunted wee-ones died on 3/22/03.
I had not seen any danio eggs or fry since those from 1/13/01. Then, on 3/23/02, I found five newborns in the bathtub where I drain the tanks for water changes. It was a surprise. I put them in the 5 gallon tank with rosy barb and panda cory fry of about a month old. I have not seen them since (it is full of hair algae in there) so I do not know if they will make it yet or if the larger fry might eat them. I would like to raise them since the older danios are all severely inflicted by tuberculosis now (my cousin asked "Are they pregnant" but they just have tumors and some are skinny and bent). On 3/30/02, I fished out 10 more baby danios and put them in the 5 gallon tank. I have not seen them since so I do not know if any made it. On 4/6/02, I removed five panda cories and three rosy barbs from the fry tank to their parents' tank. I left only one small rosy barb. There were no signs of the previous 15 danio fry. I added three new danio fry I found on cleaning. By 4/12/02, at least one of the baby danios was seen actively swimming and eating Liquifry. I never get tired of seeing baby fish but I have too many. On 4/20/02, six more baby danios were put into the 5 gallon tank. One baby that is a few weeks old is doing well. The rest are apparently gone or good hiders. This one baby was put into the 40 gallon tank on 5/18/02 when I added 11 newborns and a baby ghost shrimp (the size of the newborn danios!) I found while searching in the waste water in the bathtub from the weekly water change. Another five babies and a baby shrimp were added on 5/22/02. By 6/20/02, there are 8 surviving babies growing well in there. One baby died (skinny, tuberculosis?) on 7/25/02. All babies are deformed (probably from the tuberculosis) and stunted. On 8/10/02, the 7 babies joined their parents.
It seems to be that the danios like to spawn in the winter as I again had no babies at all until 1/18/03 when I found 19 babies in the tub during weekly cleaning. I put them in a net breeder in the 40 gallon tank. The next morning, one of the 8-month-old danios was in the net! He had a breakfast of babies! On 1/21/03, he was in there again! The next day, the fry were free-swiming, and I count three survivors (assuming big brother does not hop in again!). I will try to lower the water level. I have never had fish jump into net breeders before. Update for 2/20/03: There is only one baby left from those 19 babies but on 2/15/03, I added five more babies I found during the tank cleaning. By the next week, only one of those was left, and I found 11 more to add. Hopefully, at least the one older one will make it. The older baby is slow growing and teaching his month-younger siblings how to be a fish! On 3/1/03, only the older baby and one of the others was still alive, and I added 10 more babies and 3 soon-to-hatch eggs (also two baby ghost shrimp) to the net. On 3/8/03, only the larger baby and one other was left once again, and I found two more babies to add. By 3/15/03, only the big one was left, and I found no new babies. I am wondering if the slightly larger baby is eating the smaller ones. I do not think so though. I added two more babies on 3/22/03 that vanished rather quickly but now the older baby is large enough (1/4 inch maybe) that I do think he is eating them. If I get more, I guess I will have to use a second net breeder. That is exactly what I did on 4/5/03 when I found 21 babies in the bathtub after gravel vacuuming the tank! I set up another one of my net breeders for them. If it were warmer outside, they could go into one of my tub ponds to mature. Of course, if too many survive, I will not have room for them. It is amazing to me how my adult danios breed at all considering that most of them have advanced tuberculosis and tumors. The one baby in the other net is doing well but is growing super slowly. The next week on 4/12/03, I found none of the 21 babies at all so I think a microorganism ate them. I never noticed them free-swimming at all that week. I put in 11 more newborns. They did become free-swimming but then died. On 4/19/03, I took out the extra net breeder. I found one egg and one newborn I put in with the bigger baby. I knew they would die but could not just let them go down the drain. On 5/3/03, I let the baby out of net. It is a longfin blue danio! I could not tell through the net. He fits right in with the others!
On 5/23/03, I found 15 newborns while cleaning. I really did not want to set up the net breeder or another tank. The tub ponds outside are still too cold. So, I put them in my 20 gallon tank which has only 4 small fish left, 3 frogs, and some shrimp along with lots of plants. Some may survive. If not, the animals there get a nice change in diet. By 6/7/03, I saw no survivors. I found 12 more fry which I put into my 20 gallon tropical tub pond outside. Perhaps some will live. We shall see. Nope!
Deceased danios:
1. Female longfin blue danio, bought 1995, died 1997.
2. Male longfin albino zebra danio (or gold danio), bought 9/22/95, died 3/17/98, brother to fish
#3 below.
3. Female longfin zebra danio, born 1998, died 12/11/99 of fish tuberculosis, mother #4 below,
father #5 below.
4. My one female longfin albino zebra danio (aka gold danio) who I bought on 9/22/95 died on
12/12/99, most likely of fish tuberculosis. She was the mother of most of the living danios. Her
daughter mentioned above died the day before her.
5. Male longfin leopard danio, bought 4/18/98 (young) to relieve the first listed living female
danio and deceased danio #4 (he went right to work on their egg bound problem and produced
the above 20 great-grandchildren for me), father to most of the living danios, died 1/4/00 of fish
6. One unknown female longfin zebra danio on 1/7/01.
7. One unknown zebra danio on 5/21/01, sex unknown since partially dissolved.
8. One male? longfin zebra danio on 6/22/01. He had a bent spine for months.
9. One female? longfin zebra danio on 1/02/02. She had an enlarged abdomen, probably
10. One male? longfin zebra danio on 1/04/02. He had a bent spine.
11. One female? longfin zebra danio on 3/3/02. Her body wall burst from the tumors.
12. One male? longfin zebra danio on 5/13/02. His body was bent, and he had lost a lot of
13. One female? longfin zebra danio on 6/19/02. Her body wall burst from tumors.
14. One male? longfin zebra danio on 9/1/02. He was very thin and had wasted away.
15. One female? longfin zebra danio on 1/13/03. Her body wall burst from severe tumors.
16. One unknown sex longfin zebra danio on 3/22/03. The 10-month-old baby was stunted and
deformed and finally succumbed, probably to tuberculosis like I assume the rest did.
17. One probably female longfin zebra danio on 7/26/03. She had large balls of tuberculosis
tumors that burst and floated around the tank.
18. One baby longfin blue danio - born 1/18/03, released from net breeder 5/3/03 at
four-months-old and finally big enough to not get eaten! He/she was a darling! Being that this
baby was blue, the parents had to have been the pair of blue danios. The baby grew slowly and
had a kinked spine (most likely from tuberculosis). I found the poor little dude dead on 11/1/03
floating in the tank. I also noticed that his/her dad is gone! He must have died and been eaten
before I saw him. I can only count about 12 danios so that means my count is off by 10! Do not
worry, I will not buy more danios to torture. These danios are so infected with tuberculosis, I
will let them die off naturally over time. But, if I find fry, I will try to save them.
19. One longfin zebra danio, perhaps female on 11/28/03. The fish had a large tummy full of
tuberculosis tumors that exploded.
20. One longfin zebra danio, small, sex unknown on 7/17/04. Severely kinked and skinny.
21. One longfin zebra danio, female? on 7/18/04. Enlarged, tuberculosis tumor exploded.
22. One longfin zebra danio, male? on 8/7/04. Appears almost normal but was lethargic.
23. One female longfin zebra danio on 8/16/04. She was massively enlarged fro tuberculosis
tumors and exploded. I got some photos of her a few days before which I put on my site below
to show how horrible this stuff is! Treatment is futile. The week before I ran a week of
Maracyn I and II antibiotics just in case they might help (never did before).
24. In mid-November 2004, I had six danios and one then vanished after it had been kinked,
skinny, and laying about for a few weeks. It was probably eaten before I noticed it had died. My
danios are almost all gone so I am very sad. I will not get more right now to avoid giving them
tuberculosis as well.
25. One female? longfin zebra danio on 12/27/04. This fish had only mild symptoms but was
found gutted on the bottom of the tank so she must have burst from tumors unless the ghost
shrimp killed her. Four danios remained.
26. On 2/19/05, I found just the spine of one of my last four danios, leaving three left.
27. On 3/16/05, a large danio that had slightly burst was found. Might be a female. Two danios
are left.
28. Around 3/27/05, one of the danios had trouble swimming and vanished by the next day.
Only one remains.
29. On 01/04/06, I found the last danio deceased, 9 months after the next to last had died.
During those 9 months, she always had externalized red gills. In the last month, she developed
obvious tuberculosis tumors and finally dropsy the last day which burst her body wall. I detest
fish tuberculosis. I am mega-dosing the tank with antibiotics (only my 14" pleco is in there)
in hopes that other fish can eventually live in there but I guess my pleco will always be
contagious even though he has no symptoms.
More Information:
I moved longfin zebra danio and white cloud mountain minnow fry in from my 50 gallon pond
(9/28/98). They were added as eggs and newborns vacuumed out of my 20 gallon tank all spring
and summer 1998. I moved two males and two females to the 20 gallon tank with their parents
on 10/10/98. I had planned to sell the rest but the store reneged on our deal so I had to find a
tank for my lizard (120 gallon). Then, the danios (and plecostomus) got to live in the lizard's 40
gallon tank.
There is a lot of information on my danios in other sections on this page. For information on their old 40 gallon tank, visit my old 40 gallon tank page.
See the next section for a few bad pictures of my danios.
Zebra Fish Book - care and breeding of zebra danios (for research)
Zebra Danio - photo of a pretty zebra danio with regular finnage
Longfin leopard danio - a few photos of a longfin leopard danio (appears to be a male).
Danio Heredity - see photos of zebra danios interbred with similar species.
Bad picture of my danios taken 9/27/98. On the left, there are four fish down the tank. The top fish is a male longfin leopard danio. The second fish is a female longfinned albino (or orange) zebra danio.
Four danios - four of my long-finned zebra danios in my 40 gallon tank on7/18/01.
Danios - some of my long-finned zebra danios in my 40 gallon tank on 4/22/01.
Blue danios - a pair of my blue danios (female left, male right) taken 2/8/02 in quarantine.
Zebra danios - a few of my zebra danios just happened to be in the background of this photo of my apple snail taken 2/7/03.
Here are three photos of one of my poor danios with advanced tumors. The photos were taken 8/11/04 in my 40 gallon tank. This fish lived for five more days before rupturing but had had tumors growing larger and larger over a few years. This is how many of my danios end up near the end but I had not seen a tumor quite this big before. Rear view of danio, side view of danio, and another side view of danio.
Have you heard about the new genetically engineered zebra danio that glows? They call it the GloFish. You can visit the company's site at glofish.com.
On 10/19/07, Mike sent this photo of his female shortfin gold leopard danio.
Leopard danio
On 5/20/08, Lori sent these photos of an albino zebra danio with tumors and a bent spine. It is
likely that the fish had fish tuberculosis.
Albino zebra danio with tumors and bent
Albino zebra danio with tumors and bent
Albino zebra danio with tumors and bent
spine; a healthy danio for comparison can be seen in this photo.
Albino zebra danio with tumors and bent
On 5/8/09, Brett sent these photos of zebra danios eggs and newly-hatched fry.
Zebra danio eggs and fry
Zebra danio eggs and fry - close-up of the
previous photo
Zebra danio eggs and fry
Zebra danio eggs and fry - close-up of the last
photo; I marked an egg as they are hard to see.
On 3/3/11, Blaise sent these photos of his special zebra danio. It has red-tipped fins and some
mottling at the bottom stripes. My theory is that it is a crossbreed with the celestial danio which
is mottled with red fins.
Special zebra danio
Special zebra danio
Special zebra danio and regular zebra danio on the
Special zebra danio
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