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AquaBabies Poll Page 2005

Last Updated: 4/11/06

These are the poll results for 2005.

1. When did you purchase your first AquaBaby?
2. Which species were in your AquaBaby (if you know)?
3. Where did you buy your AquaBaby?
4. At the time of purchasing your AquaBaby, would you consider yourself a novice, intermediate, or advanced aquarist?
5. Why did you decide to buy the AquaBaby?
6. Did any of them die? If so, how long after purchase?
7. Did you upgrade to larger aquariums after this experience or give up fish-keeping all together?
8. Would you buy another AquaBaby?
9. In general, would you say that you were satisfied or dissatisfied with your purchase?

The following is a list of the poll results of AquaBaby owners from 2005.

Reply #74 from Nick on 2/8/05:
1. "1999."
2. "Danios, Betta, Frog."
3. "Target."
4. Advanced.
5. "Good size containers and easy to keep clean."
6. "1 danio in one tank."
7. No change.
8. Satisfied.
9. Yes.

Reply #75 from Courtney on 3/11/05:
1. "1999."
2. "Frog."
3. "Target."
4. Novice.
5. "I wanted an easy to care for frog."
6. "My frog died after 5 years."
7. Upgrade.
8. Dissatisfied.
9. No. "A very cruel environment for a frog."

Reply #76 from Unknown (no answer) on 5/13/05:
1. No answer.
2. No answer.
3. No answer.
4. Novice.
5. No answer.
6. No answer.
7. Upgrade.
8. Satisfied.
9. Yes.

Reply #77 from Scott on 5/22/05:
1. "1999."
2. "2 snail, 2 white clouds."
3. "Mall."
4. Novice.
5. "I wanted a pet to keep me company (I was 13)."
6. "1 white cloud in 1 month, 2 nd in 4 months. The snail in 3 weeks."
7. Upgrade.
8. Dissatisfied.
9. No. "These are the worst tanks ever. The creator should be in an orange jumpsuit. I now have a 10 gallon and a 40 gallon tank. I am still shaking over my head at how stupid it was of me to buy that tank."

Reply #78 from Danielle on 7/10/05:
1. "2001."
2. "A frog and two small brown fish."
3. "A mall (I think)."
4. Intermediate.
5. "It was a gift for my neice."
6. "Yes, all of them died within 3 months of being given the gift."
7. Gave up.
8. Dissatisfied.
9. No. "It was horrible. She cried because her two fish died within a month of having it. The frog died about the third month. She decided that fish were not for her. I feel bad for giving her such a horrible product."

Reply #79 from Marti on 7/22/05:
1. "March 2000."
2. "African dwarf frog."
3. "Target."
4. Intermediate.
5. "Impulse purchase and gift for daughter."
6. "No, he is still alive and up until yesterday still resided in his 'tiny' 4x5 container."
7. Upgrade.
8. Satisfied.
9. No. "To be perfectly honest with you my daughter's frog has lived much longer than I expected....But, I'm happy to report I have a 5yr old frog, who just got a bigger home, hopefully the move didn't stress him too much."

Reply #80 from JoNeal on 8/12/05:
1. "1997."
2. A frog.
3. "At the mall."
4. Novice.
5. "It was a gift."
6. "My frog is still living."
7. No change.
8. Satisfied.
9. Yes.

Reply #81 from Danielle on 8/15/05:
1. "08-06-05."
2. "African dwarf frogs."
3. "At the beach."
4. Novice.
5. "They were cute and small."
6. Still alive (Note from Robyn: It has only been 9 days.).
7. No change.
8. Satisfied.
9. Yes. "They are cute and easy to take care of. I love my frogs Fred and Wilma."

Reply #82 from Susi on 10/20/05:
1. "July 22, 2005."
2. "African dwarf frog."
3. "Panama City Beach."
4. Novice.
5. "My son 'needed those frogs.'"
6. Still alive.
7. No change.
8. Satisfied.
9. No. "My son 'needed' those frogs, so we purchased them, since they were so-called low maintenance. However, after getting them home, I thought it was cruel not to change the water regular, so I was changing the water every other day....After reading this article, I will be putting the frogs in a larger home....Thank you for your information, had I known before the purchase, I NEVER would have bought them."

Reply #83 from Earl on 12/6/05:
1. "About 30 days ago."
2. "A frog and some barbs I think."
3. "Got it as a present."
4. Novice.
5. "Got it as a present.'"
6. "2 weeks all dead"
7. No change.
8. Satisfied.
9. Yes. "i buy aquababies so i can watch them die it is great and anyone who apposes aquababies is stupid and is some animal rights activist that think they are gonna change something but your not i care for lots of animals at my house but you are not going to stop aquababies you dumb bitch"

[Note: I normally correct grammar and spelling but to be nice to Earl, I left his eloquent reply written exactly as he sent it. Signed, the dumb bitch who finds about 14 English errors in the above statement. For example, see this link for the definition of the verb "to appose." Yes, I know he misspelled oppose but it is interesting how the word he chose means almost the opposite! If he meant appose, the verb is used incorrectly as it requires a comparison noun to the AquaBabies.]

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