Last Updated: 8/6/18
Gray Squirrels
Flying Squirrels
Squirrel Web Sites
Yeah! Squirrelees finally have their own web page!
Photo and another photo of a black- phase grey squirrel feeding from a bird feeder on the window on 1/31/04.
Tinkie the cat watching a gray squirrel on 12/6/08. She spends most of Saturday morning trying to get to the squirrels who come for food.
Tinkie and Squirrel on 10/24/09. I did the movie below at the same time.
Tinkerbelle and Squirrel - 1623 KB, mpg movie.
Tinkie on 10/24/09. She was waving at a female gray squirrel using
the feeder. Once I did the video, she only gave me one wave.
Tinkie and Black Squirrel on
1/30/10. This squirrel is a black variant of the gray squirrel.
Black Squirrel close up,
Male dark-phase Eastern gray squirrel taken around April of 2012. He was eating seeds at the window. Yes, he is black. The video ends with my cat, Tinkerbelle.
Gray squirrel under the front feeder on 9/10/12.
Gray squirrel in the road that cat GK was eyeing on 5/17/13.
Gray squirrel or is it a skunk? This is a dark-phase (black) gray squirrel with white in its tail! Sorry, it is not in focus.
I was amazed to find a dead animal on my desk (my mother put it there) when I got home from work on 9/5/01. It was a young, male rodent of a species I thought we did not have. It was a Southern flying squirrel. These nocturnal squirrels require mature (50+ years) trees in which to nest, feed, and glide about. Our woods are only 24 years old. Our outdoor cat (a stray that showed up years ago) killed the flying squirrel around 11 am when the squirrel should have been asleep. I can only guess that he fell to the ground the night before on one of his first "flying" expeditions. He was 3.5 inches in body length with a 3 inch tail. He had skin membranes around his arms, a flattened tail, and huge eyes.
On 12/6/08, I found a dead animal by the garage, a victim of our only outdoor cat (my parents do not want her inside because she will not use a litter pan). I was shocked. The animal before me I had only seen once before on 9/5/01, also dead. It was another male Southern flying squirrel. This time I took photos which follow. Oops, I forgot to measure him as I did last time but he was pretty big.
Dead Southern flying squirrel - top
Dead Southern flying squirrel - bottom
view, 12/6/08.
On the morning of 8/6/18, my cat, King Tut, had left a victim on the stoop. It was an immature male Southern flying squirrel! He left the face with its big eyes, its liver I think, and the tail attached to the groin and one leg. I feel horrible about the death of this little squirrel. Before you chastise me about having a domestic cat outdoors, however, you should go to his web site and see what efforts I made to integrate this former feral cat in to my home and how I had no choice to kick him out when he almost killed two of my other cats. Anyway, I am very happy that this was a juvenile because that means that not only do we have flying squirrels but they are breeding!
Squirrel Lover's Club - I am sad to report that Gregg Bassett who founded and ran the Squirrel Lover's Club since 1995 died in October 2008. He will be greatly missed by fellow animal lovers. Other people have taken over the club.
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